I'm Summer McDaniel, a holder of many titles. Some of them include student, bread addict, a lover of CAPS (see?), and fangirl. I created Blue Sky Bookshelf in October of 2012 to connect with fellow book lovers and to express my previously-suppressed readerly emotions. Until January of 2014, I went by a pseudonym named Sunny Duvall. If you see a little giraffe icon, the chances of it being me is very high. My main focus is YA of all kinds. Sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary, historical, dystopian...really, try me. But I do read a few adult books if they perk my ears up or come highly recommended. You can find reviews or spotlights on all of those books on here as well as features, interviews, giveaways, and gifs. Definitely gifs. If you don't like them, I'll pray for your non-humorous soul try them out here and then decide again. You expected me to say leave, didn't you? What else is there to say about me? I play basketball, swoon over cute usually fictional guys, suffer through life with an easily-blushable face, and can sing along to 96% of all Disney songs. If you play with my hair or give me banana bread, I will be your friend for life. You can also go to my Contact page to find other ways to connect with me. I hope to talk with you soon!