
Review Policy

To all publishers, authors, or other party interested in seeing a review of your book on Blue Sky Bookshelf, this page is for you.

1) Requests may be sent in any form of communication (which can be found in my Contact page), but I strongly suggest email.

2) I do have the right to refuse requests. I may be very flattered, but I can reject without explanation.

3) I will be honest in my review. I understand there was hard work involved so I will try to be as objective as possible. However, everyone has different tastes. If I don't like it, I will say so.

4) I may choose to not review your book after I've read it. If I couldn't finish it or could barely finish it, I'm not going to waste anybody's time with a review. You probably don't want a review if I thought like that about your book. I will remind you of this fact when I respond to your request.

5) I choose when to post my reviews. I have a life with multiple things in it. If you have a specific deadline, you may ask nicely. I have the right to say no nicely, but it never hurts to ask.

6) I am willing to schedule interviews, blog tours, and giveaways upon request. But don't forget #2!

7) I do not accept e-books. Hey, if you want to give me something that I can read it on, you're free to do so.

8) I refuse to read any erotica, poetry, and non-fiction. Never, ever.

9) I do not accept compensation for any reviews. I review because I read and I read because I love books. Nothing more.

Okay, I'm done with the rules! I honestly don't like rules. But I guess I have to channel my mom and say, "They're for your own good." I like suggestions though, so here they are: 

There are certain kinds of books that make me really happy. Those YA books include: 
- Contemporary 
- Dystopian
- Fantasy 
- Historical
- Offbeat paranormal (which means no vampire, werewolf things) 
- I always love romance! 

Remember, those are suggestions. I'm happy to hear about other genres as well, but those genres are ones that I usually love the most. 

Lastly, when you contact me, please include the following: 
- Your name
- Your email address (if it's different than the one you're using) 
- Your relation to the book (author, publisher, agent, family friend?)
- A synopsis
- The form of book you're sending (paperback, hardcover, ARC) 
- The book's release date 

Thank you! 

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