
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wishlist Wednesday #2

Property of Pen to Paper
This is my second Wishlist Wednesday post, folks. If you don't know what that is, I strongly recommend clicking on this link to see the creator's post. You can also check out the other links at the bottom and see other blogger's wishlists!

When Mallory discovers that her boyfriend, Jeremy, is cheating on her with an online girlfriend, she swears off boys. She also swears off modern technology. Inspired by a list of goals her grandmother made in 1962, Mallory decides to "go vintage" and return to a simpler time (when boyfriends couldn't cheat on you online). She sets out to complete grandma's list: run for pep club secretary, host a dinner party, sew a homecoming dress, find a steady, do something dangerous. 

But the list is trickier than it looks. And obviously finding a steady is out . . . no matter how good Oliver (Jeremy's cousin) smells. But with the help of her sister, she'll get it done. Somehow. 

Lindsey Leavitt perfectly pairs heartfelt family moments, laugh-out-loud humor, and a little bit of romance in this delightful contemporary novel.

The first thing that drew my eyes in was the word "vintage." I love vintage! I love the look of them, I love history and learning about the past, and I love to think about what my item has actually gone through. Does anyone else feel that way? No? Okay. 

Of course, I could never do what Mallory is going to do. Swear off technology? I might not be totally tech savvy, but my family is very technology centered. Oh, we spend time together, but you won't ever see us go a day without our phones, computers, or TVs. I even felt strange when I had to leave my phone in the car when I went into an amusement park for a few hours. That sad, my friends. 

I have a feeling this will be a funny book, a little predictable since it's a guy breaks girl's heart, girl is determined to do something to get over him story where the girl will probably meet someone new and have a hard time. But I don't care. It interests me and this is on my wishlist! 

It's also absolutely different from my last Wishlist Wednesday post (which you should also check out if you already haven't). Check back tomorrow for a new meme! 

Could YOU go vintage? 


  1. Sounds like fun had to add it to my To read shelf.
    Good luck waiting for it.

    Thanks for dropping by on my WW

    1. It does, doesn't it?
      Thank you for stopping by!

  2. This books sounds amazing! And the cover is really pretty too :)
    There's no way I could ever swear off technology, I wouldn't know what to do without it!
    I'm definitely adding this to by TBR because it sounds like the kind of book I would really enjoy.

    1. I know, I'd feel like a lost little girl. Technology withdrawals!
      Yay for increasing TBR piles ;) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for stopping by! This book looks really cute! I've never heard of it but I will definitely be keeping my eyes open for it.

    Laura's Adventures in Bookland

  4. This book sounds brilliant! can't wait to get it either :)

    Cdee x

    1. I hope we both get it then! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I've seen this book once before, sounds pretty interesting :)

    My WW

  6. I haven't heard of this book! But I agree, It sounds interesting :) Thanks for stopping by My WW!


    1. Finding new books are always great :) Thanks for popping in!

  7. This sounds really charming! Hadn't heard of it before, so thanks! Another one for the TBR list.

    Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies
    My WW

    1. You're welcome! Always glad to show people new books, I just hope it's as good as I hope it will be. Thanks for stopping by :)

  8. I know what you mean about going a few hours without a phone! And yet people used to do it all the time?! Ha. This looks like a good read for sure. If you read it, let us know what you think of it!

    thanks for saying hi!

    1. Crazy, I don't know how they did it! I will, thanks for coming by :)

  9. I couldn't go vintage at all. I'm pretty sure my blogging would suffer. :-p

    This book does sound super cute, even if her reasons for doing so are a breakup.

    1. Exactly ;)

      Eventually I got past that, but I definitely said, "You're doing this for a GUY?!" at first. It just keeps pulling at me.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I'm in love. The synopsis, and the cover both sound amazing!!! Definitely can't wait for this one either!!! 8)

  11. Great post and thanks for the suggestion. It's not my usual sort of read but I'm interested to give it a go! I'm a new follower... feel free to pop by and say hi :)
