
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Fictional Crushes

Meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I love lists. Lists are a great thing in my house and after watching everyone else do it, I've decided to join Top Ten Tuesday! Now, no worries, I won't be doing tons of memes. I'll only be doing this particular one randomly while Cover Love will be every other...and I haven't really decided about Wishlist Wednesday. Right now, I guess I'm just going with the flow. 

Now this week's is a Top Ten Freebie! I get to pick anything I want. 
*maniacal laugh*maniacal laugh*

So I picked Top Ten Fictional Crushes. Disclaimer: this is not in order. I slapped it all together at midnight and was quite ready to go to bed after being out of town for the weekend. 

Crying Girl in American Idol audience
I don't know if you guys remember the famous crying girl in the American Idol audience or not. But she was one of the many fans in concerts who make a fool out of themselves by crying and getting noticed on TV. So I wouldn't cry over these characters, but just like Crying Girl loves whoever is singing, I love my fictional crushes.

1. Zach (The Gallagher Girls series). He's a spy. He's mysterious, charming, funny, protective, and broken. I have a major crush. I was a bit disappointed when he didn't show up as often as I liked in a couple of the books. My friends who have read it and I have repeatedly wondered where we can get a Zach. Ally Carter, any news? Please?

2. Peeta (The Hunger Games series). This blonde cutie would be on everybody's list probably. I had a hard time between him and Gale, but honestly, it's a done deal at the third book. Besides, the cave scene? Whew doggies, let me fan myself. He would do anything for Katniss and proves his love over and over again. The interview before they go into the arena and he confesses? LOVE.

3. Perry (Under the Never Sky series). He's also a broken one and he uses that to warm my heart. You can't help but smile when he fumbles around trying to talk to Aria when the roles are reversed. As I said in my review, I even liked him better than I did Aria.

4. Michael (Princess Diaries series). Oh, Michael. He had to deal with Mia's immature ways and still loved her. I loved how he was her sister's brother and he was older because to me, it added to the cuteness. He absolutely stole my heart all the way in the last book. Saaaa-wooon!

5. Dexter (This Lullaby). I told myself I would only pick ONE Sarah Dessen guy character since I keep doing the same author for a different character. It was either Wes, Dexter, or Owen. Dexter won out with his curly hair, being a klutz, very charming, and being a goof. I loved picturing him!

6. Jinn (As You Wish). Genie. Hello, is there anything else you need to know? I did a review on this book before and I went a tiny more in depth about his character there. But really, he's just so sweet. He tries to be indifferent and then he's protective and jealous. Jealous guys are the best!

7. Jesse (How to Take the Ex Out of the Ex-Boyfriend). Once again, jealous guys! He's not a jerky boyfriend, but he could have done a couple things better than he did. However, he was an adorable, jealous ex and I gobbled that up. Bonus: he has a motorcycle.

8. Hale (Heist Society series). A thief, best friend, and described as smokin' hot. He's always there for Kat and I wouldn't mind having him as my best friend either.

9. Cole (Sleepaway Girls). He's funny, loves kids, cute, and is a great friend. I guess the trend here is that they're pretty much all great friends and undeniably sweet. My goodness, Cole definitely was.

10. Roar (Under the Never Sky series). Roar might be minor compared to Aria and Perry, but he always has a place in my heart. We even get to have more of Roar in the sequel (my review will be out later so check back or follow me on Twitter!) and it made my love grow stronger. I felt like I was rendered to him. If you don't exactly know what that means, read the book!

Who would you add? Do you like my list? Comment below! 


  1. I've only read The Hunger Games and The Princess Diaries out of these, but I shall have to check more of them out. Fictional crushes are such fun!

    1. Oh, you so should! They are :) Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Great topic! My latest fictional crush was Jackson from Tempest. Totally kick ass and really sweet at the same time (for his crush, not the guy that gets kick assed ;)).

    My TTT Bookish Confesions

    1. Thank you! Haha! I now have to read it :) Thanks for stopping by my TTT

  3. love it. we must think alike, i picked the same topic. Peeta on my list too.. OF COURSE Check out our Top Ten Fictional Crushes * New follower by the way *
    Katie @ Inkk

    1. Fictional crushes are fun to do, aren't they? I'll marry any guy who can be like Peeta, I swear ;) Thanks for following and stopping by!

  4. Peeta, of course. He's the ultimate crush ^^ Great list.

    My TTT

    1. Of course! He's probably the highest standard. Thank you :)

  5. Mwa, I still don't feel a thing for Peeta :p I really want to read As you wish and Under the never sky, so I'm glad to hear that there are swoonworthy guys in it ;)


    1. Are you serious? Ridiculous ;) There are, I promise! Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. Oh nice, we chose the same TTT topic this week :D And we share Peeta as one of our crushes! Your #'s 3, 4 & 10 are on my reading list so we might share more next time around lol. Thanks for sharing, new follower via GFC :) Here's my TTT

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

    1. Ooh, great! Can't wait to check your TTT out :) Ah, contact me anytime if you want to talk about it, books and fictional guys are great. Great, thank you!

  7. I love Perry and Roar! I must remember to get a copy of the Roar and Liv novella.

    New follower. :) Our TTT

    1. Oh, yes. I keep telling myself to remember to read it. I'm usually not for novellas, but I love Roar. Thank you for following and checking my post out!

  8. I have fictional crushes as well. Haha, I have to agree completely about Roar from Under the Never Sky- I really didn't like the book, but his character made it ok for me.

    Thanks for the list.

    1. Oh, I'm sorry you didn't like the book! But Roar is a sweetheart :) Thanks for dropping by!

  9. I totally remember that girl crying over Sanjaya!! Great stuff!! Anyhow I love your list! I am totally in love w/ Michael and Dexter!! Great choices! Thanks for stopping by My TTT

    1. Oh yes, thank you for helping my blank moment, I forgot his name! Thank you very much :) Ah, finally I found another Michael lover. Most people aren't crazy about the series and therefore, don't know what I'm talking about.

      Thanks for coming by!

  10. I definitely agree with Hale and Zach (I haven't read the others!)

  11. I've read 2, 3, 9, & 10 and agree with you. I'm looking forward to the next Heist book and more Hale!

    Thanks for stopping by Book Sojourner!

    1. Woo, great! Yes, there is never "too much Hale"

      Thanks for coming by!

  12. Fun topic! My favorites on your list are Hale and Peeta, and I still need to catch up on the rest of your titles. This Lullaby is one I hope to read soon. Sarah Dessen's so great.

    1. Thank you! Great, I definitely recommend them :) She is!

      Thanks for coming by!

  13. I still can't get over the fact that fictional crushes are just that, 'fictional'. Cruel world. Michael was my favorite when I was younger :)
    Great list and thanks for stopping by :)

    Judith @ Paper Riot

  14. Zach, Peeta, and Michael... excuse me while I fan myself! haha Zach is probably my favorite on the list. (Hopefully we'll see more of him in the last GG book, but I actually like that the plot is more focused on Cammy's growth than on the romantic arc.) Peeta was always my favorite in the HG books. Truthfully, I thought Gale was annoying! haha

    Great list! (:

    1. Like I said, saaa-wooon! I agree on that part. I love romance but I love Cammie's growth. I went back and forth with Gale, but after a couple times of reading it, I lost feelings for him. I was just loving the whole "best friend love" thing.

      Thank you and thanks for stopping by!

  15. Wow, the only book I've read here was Hunger Games. So many crush-worthy guys I have yet to discover! I'd probably have to list Luc Cain (Personal Demons), Rosto the Piper (Terrier), and the newly discovered (for me) Akiva (Daughter of Smoke and Bone) as my crushes, just off the top of my head.

    1. Oh, how much you've missed then! Wow, now I feel I have much to catch up on! The library is in order for me :) Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Hale! Zach! Cole! Dexter! Love your choice in books/crushes! :) I just followed you!

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

    1. Yay on both things! Great to find other people who love the same things (or people:) Thank you! And thanks for checking my list out.

  17. Love love love Hale! And Dexter. And I really need to read the rest of the books you featured here!

    1. Oh, Hale, the object of many a girls' affection. Great, I hope you do! I would love to know if you like them as much as I do :) Thanks for popping in!

  18. LOVE your list! I've got a fictional crush on just about all of them as well! Especially Dexter and Zach <33
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the design of yours!

    1. Yay! Fictional crushes are the best :)

      Thank you!

  19. Great list! I haven't read any of these series *blushes* but they sound like interesting characters =)

    Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier this week!

    1. Haha, better late than never ;)

      Thanks for coming by!

  20. Love the Ally Carter ones! And of course Peeta!

    1. They are pretty great :)

      Thanks for popping by!

  21. I'm ashamed to say I've barely read any of these series. Fictional crushes is a great list idea though! I'd have to agree on Peeta and I think I'd also have to add Eric from The Southern Vampire Mysteries (True blood).

    Thanks for stopping by :)

    1. Oh, believe me, I haven't read most other popular ones I hear :) But I definitely recommend them! Nice:)

      Thanks for coming by mine!

  22. I haven't read all of these, but I'm definitely team Peeta, from Dessen's books I would pick Wes or Owen (it's a tie). I would add Ash from the Iron Fey series, Jax from Breathe, Todd from the Soul Screamers.

    Thanks for stopping by and for the follow, I'm following back :)

    1. See, I was so close to putting either Wes or Owen, but I chose Dexter for a couple reasons: one of them being I've read it the most recent :) I really need to read Iron Fey!

      Thanks for coming by and for the follow also :)

  23. Hi!
    PERRY!! Dexter! and MICHAEL!! YESYESYES! Haha. I don't think Michael gets nearly enough attention. Great list! :)

    1. Hi! *waves excitedly*
      Oh goodness, your comment made me smile so thank you! And I totally I have to reread the series so I can dream Michael dreams tonight. Too creepy?

  24. Zach.. Peeta.. Dexter.. Yum! Great list, I should really start on Under the Never Sky, the guys sound amazing!

    Thanks for stopping by, followed back. :)

    1. Thanks! Yes, you really should :) They're both amazing but for me, Perry reigns in the 1st and Roar in the 2nd.

      Thank you!

  25. I think Four (Tobias) from the Divergent series has been severely under represented here! If you don't know what I'm talking about, trust me you don't know hot until you've read divergent!

  26. OOH. Zach. I'm doing this for tomorrow's rewind and I may have to add him.

  27. My fictional crushes, oh goodness, I have a whole list.

    Luke Sullivan (A Charmed Life trilogy)
    Landon Carter (A Walk to Remember)
    Joe Willard (Betsy-Tacy series)
    Mr. Darcy
    Tristan Berkeley (The Mother-Daughter Book Club series)
