
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cover Love #4

Property of Bookshelvers Anonymous

It’s 1950, and as the French Quarter of New Orleans simmers with secrets, seventeen-year-old Josie Moraine is silently stirring a pot of her own. Known among locals as the daughter of a brothel prostitute, Josie wants more out of life than the Big Easy has to offer. She devises a plan get out, but a mysterious death in the Quarter leaves Josie tangled in an investigation that will challenge her allegiance to her mother, her conscience, and Willie Woodley, the brusque madam on Conti Street.

Josie is caught between the dream of an elite college and a clandestine underworld. New Orleans lures her in her quest for truth, dangling temptation at every turn, and escalating to the ultimate test.

With characters as captivating as those in her internationally bestselling novel Between Shades of Gray, Ruta Sepetys skillfully creates a rich story of secrets, lies, and the haunting reminder that decisions can shape our destiny.

**Since Blogger is messing up ONCE AGAIN, I have to do it in this format. Not terrible, but not what I'm used to.**

Anyways, I've been looking at this cover for the longest time, impatient to put it in Cover Love. When I first saw it, I thought, "COVER LOVE!"

First of all, I love the colors. Then of course, the bird cage. It definitely fits into the synopsis with her wanting to get out of New Orleans and her past. You can't look at the bird cage without looking at the girl behind the cage either, which I like. She's just looking at it, as if that's her only life...which it kind of is. 

And although it's not part of the cover, can I rave about how much I love the past? It's not too historical, only the 1950s, but I love that time period. I also just love history. Period. 

I didn't realize until now after reading the synopsis for the hundredth time that Ruta Sepetys wrote this book. Seriously, if it didn't have a gorgeous cover, I would have just shoved it into a Wishlist Wednesday post since I can't wait to read this book. But Ruta Sepetys? My sister, *ahem* the one who actually runs Cover Love, just finished reading her bestseller Between Shades of Gray, which she drooled over. The same book that I now am dying to read. WWII! 

I know I'm rambling, but this looks great and I can't help but start squealing over other books. 

Now, what cover do you love? 



  1. I love how you see the girl behind the cage too, & I think the colors are pretty! :) Here's my Cover Love:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  2. I knew you would like that it was by Ruta.

  3. I also love the cover, the green and other colors are so pretty together! :)

  4. i just noticed the girl in the cage right before reading your post, it really is interesting. this sounds like a great book!
