
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bunch O' Giveaways #1

This is a post dedicated to showing you all the amazing giveaways out there! I've done giveaway roundups before, but now this has a cool button and a name, I thought it would make it all official. Below are giveaways I've checked out. Without trying to sound like a salesman, I do have to warn you to hurry. They all end at various times.


1. Bookshelvers Anonymous's One Year Blogoversary. *throws confetti* Shelver is celebrating the birthday of her magnificent blog and she's doing it by doing a giveaway! The prize? $25 worth of books sent to anywhere. Those $25 can be divided up to numerous books or one set. It can be sent to anywhere in the US, Europe, or even Hungary. You don't want to miss it

2. Sarah Elizabeth's Bookshelf's 1,000 Followers Giveaway. Sarah Elizabeth's Bookshelf is also celebrating something monumental: 1,000 followers! The most amazing part for us readers and followers is that we get 30 euros of books which translates into 40 US dollars. I'd be happy to celebrate that.

3. The Reader's Den's Dark Days Giveaway. Not only did they share with us about the amazing author event with four incredible authors, The Reader's Den is doing a giveaway! The authors of Through the Ever Night, Unravel Me, Boundless, and Everbound were there so their books are the prize. Great prize, right? 

3.5. Monstrous Beauty Audiobook Giveaway. With a superb mini-review, The Reader's Den has also gifted us with another giveaway, this one being the audiobook version of Monstrous Beauty by Elizabeth Fama! Mermaids, creepiness, and a voice that brought the right emotion for each scene, at least according to Rachel. 

4. Writer of Wrong's The Madman's Daughter Giveaway. If you haven't read any of Gillian Berry's reviews, I recommend you go do so now. No matter if the book is awesome to okay to "ugh, I hated it!" Gilly makes me laugh all the time. First, read her review then enter the giveaway to this SIGNED ARC that I'm dying to read. 

5. Live to Read's 100+ Giveaway Gail Carringer. Krystal and Rachel have been saving up books just for this occasion. So yes, they are giving away 100 or so books. One of them being Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carrginer. I don't know about you, but I'm dying to read this one.

6. Paperback Treasure's Two Year Blogoversary. You get to pick one out of ten books they're offering. Not just any ten, mind you. No, ten amazing books that I would claw through crowds to get my hands on. Oh, the pretties. 

7. Claire Reads' One Year Blogoversary. Another blogging birthday, folks. There will be FOUR winners and they each get to pick a book from a list of books that she has read and loved over the past year. You can look at the list here and enter in the giveaway!

8. Making the Grade Reviews' Scarlet Blog Tour Giveaway.MTG reviews is participating in the highly praised Scarlet's blog tour. As you can guess since I'm highlighting her here, she's giving away a copy of Scarlet, but she's also giving away Cinder as well. Two books in the same series in the same giveaway? Win.

9. Cuddlebuggery's One Year Blogoversary. To celebrate their one year anniversary, Kat and Steph from Cuddlebuggery are giving away multiple things on multiple days. My two favorite giveaways so far are the Veronica Rossi and Leigh Bardugo giveaways. Win an eReader of your choice is pretty awesome too. 

10. Bewitched Bookworms' Three Year Blogoversary. Like Cuddlebuggery, the nice people at Bewitched Bookworms are giving away multiple things in multiple posts. One is a Kindle Fire and one is a stack of books. Go check it out.

11. Sparkles and Lightning's Valentine's Day Giveaway. Tons of great romance books to pick from and from what I read, possibly a few winners. It sounds fantastic! 

12. The Story Siren's Jennifer E. Smith's Valentine's Day Blog Tour and Giveaway. To all of you who don't know, Jennifer E. Smith is the author of The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight and the highly anticipated This Is What Happy Looks Like so The Story Siren is giving away BOTH books! 

13. Anatea's Bookshelf's Happy Valentine's Day with a Giveaway. Not only is Valentine's Day a great day for lovers and showing your love and all that, it's also a great day for giveaways. Anatea's Bookshelf decided to give away one cute romance book for all her lovely readers. 

14. Once Upon a Prologue's Mila 2.0 ARC Giveaway. Molli Morgan from Once Upon a Prologue is being the super nice, generous person she is by giving away an ARC of Mila 2.0! I don't know about any of you, but I have been wanting to read this book...deeply. 

15. Mundie Moms' Fourth Blogoversary. It's their fourth birthday bash which means giveaway time! And may I say that this is an awesome giveaway, my friends. A box full of 2013 ARCs, a SIGNED ARC of Gayle Forman's Just One Day, and published copy of Veronica Rossi's Through the Ever Night. Absolutely wonderful. 

16. Winter Haven's Authors' Love Fest Giveaway. Like I said, Valentine's Day is a great day to have a giveaway. At Winter Haven Books, they're giving away three YA contemporary books where you choose the books from the authors they mention. Great authors means great books!


17. On Starships and Dragonwings' Ally Carter Giveaway. While I saw this giveaway after I posted this, I HAVE to add it because it's such an awesome giveaway. Two signed books (actually, one is a chapter sampler) by my favorite author, Ally Carter. Also, she added Q&A with her (more like tidbits about Carter). 

18. Bookfever's New Blog Look Celebration Giveaway. Bookfever is celebrating their awesome new blog design with an even more awesome giveaway!

I just listed NINETEEN giveaways (remember, The Readers Den has two!). Do you know how many possibilities you have to win some really awesome things? Stupendous, I know.

What are YOU hoping to win? 


  1. Awesome post, I didn't know about a lot of these! Some great chances to win! That first gif creeps me out, I think because his nose is hidden LOL. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. Thank for spotlighting our giveaways, Sunny! I'll have to check these other ones out as well. :)

  3. Oh this is a fab post Sunny! I'll definitely have to check some of these great giveaways out, also thanks for linking ours up! :)

  4. Ohhai Sunny!
    Thanks for spotlighting my giveaway in your post! And I'll be sure to check out the others!

