
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Auto-Buy Authors

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This week for Top Ten Tuesday, the topic is the top ten authors on your auto-buy list. Basically, if this author came out with a new book, you will buy it without doubt. For me, this is hard to consider since I'm very stingy with my money. The library is my absolute best friend. So I'll be honest, this is more the list of authors that I probably will auto-buy. When it comes to money, I'm very patient. 

In no order:

1. Ally Carter
Honestly, if anyone know me, even a little bit, you know that she'll be on this list. I actually think she's only author I have preordered without reading the book first. I own every hardcover YA book of hers and even own a couple duplicates. In the words of Hazel from The Fault in Our Stars, I would read your grocery list. 

2. Jen Calonita
Another contemporary author that I tend to push in people's faces. Her Belles sequel, Winter White, was actually preordered too, now that I'm thinking about it. Thanks to WinterHaven Books, I'm getting the third preordered in a giveaway! But really. She writes humorous, time-sucking, fun books.

3. Marissa Meyer
Not only are they sci-fi and dystopian, but her books are fairytale retellings! Can you get even more awesome? I have an autographed copy of Cinder and Scarlet should be on its way now. It might be a bit premature since I've only read one book of hers...but come on, she's fantastic. 

4. Jessica Brody
Okay, I'm sorry, this is probably another premature pick. I just finished her 52 Reasons to Hate My Father and it was so enjoyable. She has such a hilarious voice and captures my attention. I have to catch up to her other books, but I know to go to her if I want a laugh. 

5. Meg Cabot
I know, I know. Another contemporary author? Another author I have pushed in people's faces multiple times? I know! But how could I not include her on here? She's hinted on Mia's blog of another Princess Diaries book. I think you all know that I would: 1) Scream, 2) Cry, and then 3) Preorder. 

6. Robin Benway
I adored her two books, Audrey, Wait! and The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, and June, but was a bit disappointed with Also Known As. However, I still think she rocks and would be jumping up and down in my seat to read another book of hers. 

7. Robin LaFevers
I read Grave Mercy and loved it! While I'm not too sure of Dark Triumph since I heard some questionable things about it, you can't argue that Ms. LaFevers writes wonderfully. She comes up with assassin nuns, people!

8. Tahereh Mafi
She writes so beautifully, it blows my mind. I ate up Shatter Me and Destroy Me and YES, I know that I haven't read Unravel Me so it contradicts this list. However, I am aching to read it. I'm just waiting for giveaways...and to get past this big pile of book commitments that I already have so I can fully enjoy it. 

9. Suzanne Collins
I know that it should never be expected that an author write exactly like she did before. She shouldn't have the same story-lines and so on. BUT if Ms. Collins sucks me in and does as an exquisite job as she did in The Hunger Games or just as a great storyline, I will be preordering that baby. Middle grade? No. YA? Yes, please. 

10. John Green
I'm pretty sure he'll be on a lot of people's lists today. I've reviewed The Fault in Our Stars and will be highlighting it in March for an event so it's safe to say that I beyond love it. He's a witty writer that not only makes you think, but stay entertained. I shamefully admit that I haven't caught up with his other books, but I will, I promise!

BONUS: 11. Robin Jones Gunn AND Lori Wick

Okay, technically it's #11 and #12, but I didn't want to look like it's too much. Robin Jones Gunn probably isn't for most people on here since she writes Christian, but I adore her romances and YA books. Also, she writes Adult which I unashamedly admit that I adore. As for Lori Wick, she hasn't written in a while, but her beginning series are some of my absolute favorites (thanks to my mom for introducing me!). Her last few haven't been that grand, but hey, she can make a comeback. And I'll be there waiting. 

What do you think of my list? Would you agree or disagree?


  1. I agree I would buy Ally Carter's grocery list. Lol, I LOVE THE GALLAGHER GIRLS. John Green is too amazing for life and Suzanne Collins is awesome.

  2. I love that we share two authors! I haven't read all of the ones on your list, but I've read at least something from most of them and have plans to read more. :)

  3. I love all the authors you picked! I'm going to a Robin Benway signing soon, and after seeing your reviews for her books, I think I'm going to get all her novels. Also, I really liked Belles and 52 Reasons To Hate My Father :) Great picks!

    1. WOO! So jealous of the signing, you better post about it :) Her books are HILARIOUS.

  4. Yeah for Suzanne Collins and Marissa Meyer! I just finished Scarlet and loved it, I hope you do to.

  5. Great list. I still need to read some John Green books. It is sad but I have yet to read anything by him.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. Your list is all kinds of awesome! I do need to start reading Ally Carter. I have no idea why it's taking me so long!

  7. AAAAWAESOME List. And fail me for coming here a day late. Haha. I have to agree with a few of them! I do love Ally, but you probably love her more. :D Love Marissa and Robin! I need to read 52 Reasons. It's waiting on my kindle though...hahaha. Someday
    Anyway, thanks for stopping by!
    XX, Inky

    1. Psh, I go late everywhere on the internet! Oh gosh, Hannah, read it! You won't be disappointed :)

  8. So many I still need to read! I almost added John Green because, well, TFiOS was amazing. I still have so many of his books to catch up on. Suzanne Collins almost made my list too! I hope she writes more YA. Great list! :)

    1. Me too. It was probably premature of me, but I couldn't help it :)

  9. I still think you should read Suzanne Collins' MG series, Gregor the Overlander.

  10. Fab list! Benway, Carter, and Meyer are three authors I'm quite fond of as well. I'm excited to finally read a Jessica Brody book, especially 52 Reasons. It sounds so fun.

    Thanks for sharing these awesome author recs :)

  11. I REALLY need to read some John Green books -- everywhere I turn, there's another person recommending his books & I feel out of the loop!

    P.S. I kept thinking your blog name sounded really familiar and then I realized that I'm 99% sure I recently sent you an ARCycling book (Falling Under) -- if I'm not crazy & am thinking of the correct blog, I hope you enjoy the book!

    1. Come over to the John Green side, I promise it's fun :)

      It is the one and the same! I can't believe I forgot to say thank you, I'm usually good at that. Thank you so much for participating in it and sending it to me. I can't wait to start it :) The note was sweet to put in there too.

    2. You're most welcome :) No worries -- glad to know I wasn't totally mixed up! The first book I received from the program, I don't think I even had the blog name that was sending it. Such a great program though :)

  12. I kept nodding so many times during this list! :) So glad you enjoyed 52 Reasons to Hate My Father; it was one of my favorite books that came out last year! I'm excited for Jessica Brody's Unremembered coming out March 5th, I haven't read any of her other books yet either though.

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

    1. It's definitely one of the best. Oooh, yes, I can't wait even more for that one.
