
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Review: HOOKED by Liz Fichera

Title: Hooked

Author: Liz Fichera

Publication date: January 31, 2013

Publisher: Harlequin Teen

Source: an ARC e-galley provided by Harlequin Teen for an honest review via NetGalley

When Native American Fredricka ‘Fred’ Oday is invited to become the only girl on the school’s golf team, she can’t say no. This is an opportunity to shine, win a scholarship and go to university, something no one in her family has done. 

But Fred’s presence on the team isn’t exactly welcome — especially not to rich golden boy Ryan Berenger, whose best friend was kicked off the team to make a spot for Fred.

But there’s no denying that things are happening between the girl with the killer swing and the boy with the killer smile...


I would like to first start off by saying, I'm not a fan of the cover. At first, I wondered if it was going to be very steamy, but alas, it was not. At all. No steam, the windows were not fogging up, or even getting a little hot. Sure, there was warmness via kissing, but nothing farther than that. The UK cover, although still not something I would choose, is at least more attractive to me. I am not saying I want steamy, but some people might think that's what will happen and I'm just here to warn you. And let it known that I don't like the cover at all.

Now, on to the book itself. Fred Oday lives on the Rez (what the cool kids call the Reservation) with other Native Americans. There is no talk of college, only local jobs that will bring enough money for them to maintain their trailers. However, Fred wants college. She wants to get out and the way to do that is through her one and only passion: golf. After the coach of the boys' golf team sees Fred practice almost 24/7 at the golf club during free hours, he literally begs her to join the team so they can actually win games. To do that, she takes Seth's spot, best friend of Ryan Berenger.

Since I mentioned Ryan, let me start off with him. He is supposed to be a popular stud that makes all the girls so swoon. I didn't see it. I had no attraction towards him or his personality, and I couldn't picture him. If I could while I was reading, it still didn't make me like him one iota. Ryan is supposedly a really fetching guy that everyone should fall in love with easily? 

I think part of the reason why I had a hard time with Ryan was with his friends. Seth, his best friend, has issues. I get that. His stepfather beats him and he never knew his real father. I had sympathy...for the first few seconds I found that out. He was absolutely psychotic. Ryan's "girlfriend" was as well. I put girlfriend in quotes because they say boyfriend and girlfriend, but then other times it seems more like it's an on-and-off thing. Honestly, both of them had problems that would take a therapist years to handle. There are probably real-life people like them, but I was reading it and thinking, "Is this for real?" Also, Ryan STILL hangs around them. I could not believe that either. 

Fred is lovable. She sometimes runs away from her problems, but mostly, she keeps going head-on. Joining the golf team, going to a party, and so scares her, but she'll do it. I loved that about her and I was glad she maintained eye contact whenever someone insulted her. Be strong! 

Her family is not perfect by any means, but I liked what that gave us. It gave us conflict. Her parents are together, but her mother is a 24/7 alcoholic. Her dad is the sweetest, but I'm not sure how I feel about her brother. 

The ending, unfortunately, was not one I liked. It felt wrapped up too neatly as if the author didn't have enough time or just wanted everything to be resolved really quickly. Personally, I thought it was concluded in an unrealistic way. 

On the plus side, at the end of my e-galley, I read an excerpt for the second book. So let's just say that I will definitely be reading that one as soon as allowed. Sure, I had a few disagreements with Hooked, but I want to read more by Liz Fichera and of the characters she has created.

Verdict: A really enjoyable book where the MC was lovable and cheer-worthy, the plot was unique (hello, golf!), and it sucked me in. 


  1. I'd be willing to give this one a try, mostly because I've never read a book about golf before!

  2. I like stories that take place on reservations. This sounds like a good one Sunny!

  3. I like the UL cover much better, too. I've been curious about this book, but I don't know if it's for me, especially after reading about some of the points you made. Thanks for the honest review!

    The Midnight Garden

  4. I really enjoyed this one, although I do agree with you about the cover - it's quite misleading!
    But yeah, I loved Fred's character too, and I'm definitely anticipating the next book. It would be fun to read about Riley and Sam :D

    Richa @ City of Books
