
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books at the Top of My Spring 2013 List

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
The book world is fantastic. There are so many books coming out, I had a hard time resisting some I saw in early June. But this is the spring list so I will only be pulling ones from March, April, and May. So here are some of the books on the top of my spring TBR list.

In no particular order with book titles linked to Goodreads in another window:

1. Five Summers by Una LaMarche
Release date: May 16

Guys, summer books are fun. This one does not just involve summer, but camp. Friendship. Falling outs. Reunion weekend. Most likely boys. It sounds like a great fun read you would take to read in the sun. 

2. Transparent by Natalie Whipple
Release date: May 21

The girl is invisible. Need I say more? 

3. The Program by Suzanne Young
Release date: April 30

I'm guessing this is dystopian. The protagonist's world has a worldwide epidemic of suicide so true feelings are forbidden. You can see where this is going. 

4. The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller
Release date: May 7

Not only is this cover so cute, but the whole plot? It sounds very beach-y. Cheerleader has a secret nerd inside of her. Inside nerd slips up around cute nerd guy. Cute nerd guy whisks her away. Adorable. 

5. The Rules for Disappearing by Ashley Elston
Release date: May 14

I know I have had this as my WW before, but how can I resist highlighting it again? It's about witness protection program!

6. Beauty by Nancy Ohlin
Release date: May 7

A retelling of one of my favorite fairytales, Beauty and the Beast. Yes, please. 

7. The Boyfriend App by Katie Sise
Release date: April 30

Another really cute-sounding read. It's also contemporary, of course. This time of the year and the summer is when you really pile on the make-you-smile contemporary reads. Basically, geeky Audrey is hurt by her father's death and BFF's transformation so to get money for college, she makes the boyfriend app. Of course, things will go wrong.

8. Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers
Release date: April 2

The sequel to Grave Mercy! Holla. More nun assassins, twists, romance, and death.

9. How My Summer Went Up in Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski
Release date: May 7

I know, I have a summer book addiction. But this is also a cute cover and look! Road trip time. It is a win-win situation.

10. Zits: Chillax by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
Release: May 21

Is it pathetic to say that this book is easily in my top two even though it is a comic book? Zits is my all-time favorite comic. I'm a bit too excited for this one.

Honorable mentions: 
This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith (I'm getting a preorder from a giveaway!), The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen, That Time I Joined the Circus by J.J. Howard, Towering by Alex Flinn, My Life After Now by Jessica Verdi, Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt

I could keep going on so I'll stop. 

What is on the top of YOUR spring TBR list? 


  1. Five Summers sounds really fun! I will have to add it to my spring TBR list.

    Nikki @ Imaginative Adventure

    “Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.”
    ― Voltaire

  2. Haha I've never heard of Zits, but I WILL be checking it out. ;) Five Summers sounds like the perfect summer read!! I also enjoy summer stories... and when you add in camp, what's better than that?! ;) I have The Boyfriend App, The Rules for Disappearing and How My Summer Went Up in Flames coming up for review - I can't wait to dive into those puppies!! The Summer I Became a Nerd looks so freakin' fun... I can't wait to get my hands on that one! :)

    1. Oh, you so should! I don't own all of the comic books but I want to since I've read them all. Exactly! One of the reasons why I love THE SLEEPAWAY GIRLS by Jen Calonita so much. Ah, you have them?! Jealous :)

  3. Sunny I have a feeling that this spring will be epic in terms of the books that we will be able to get our hands on! Going Vintage, Five Summers and How My Summer Went Up in Flames are high on my spring list too! Great list! I will have to check out some of the other books you have mentioned too! :)

  4. I have a few of these on my list too! The Moon and More should have made my list and That Time I Joined the Circus. I hope you enjoy these when you read them this spring! :)

    My Top Ten Spring TBR List

  5. I don't know where you live, but it's clear that your craving warm weather. I'm right there with you, especially as we're still buried in snow. I'm particularly excited about Dark Triumph. But that Beauty and The Beast retelling sounds great as do all the summer contemporaries!

    1. Ha, I'm not really craving the warm weather just that I love the feeling warm weathered books bring. Real warm weather sucks, but in fiction? So many possibilites.

  6. Transparent and The Summer I Became a Nerd (and This is What Happy Looks Like and The Moon and More) are all on my list too! The cover for Five Summers looks so peaceful and pretty, and The Program sounds intriguing! :) My TTT list:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  7. Zits! Yes! I love that comic, though I HATE the ones on my face. I am 25. I thought my face and I had finally reached an understanding, but APPARENTLY NOT. Sigh.

    1. Haha! Yes, I love the comic, not the real things. I never had them during puberty (except one right on my nose which made me look like Rudolph) but now I always seem to have a couple. At least they're not bright red, more like nude. But still.

  8. Awesome Books, you are very lucky. Thanks for sharing. This month (autumn here) I want to read Breath by Sarah Crossan, Don't judge a girl by her cover by Ally Carter and I am dying to get my hands on a copy of Geek Girl!!!!

    1. Whoa, Autumn? Ah, Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover was GREAT.

  9. I'm SO excited for The Rules of Disappearing!! It just sounds awesome! This Is What Happy Looks Like is freaking amazing btw!! Hope you enjoy all of these books, there are some amazing ones on your list! :D

  10. Thanks for stopping by my TTT. I have read The Rules for Disappearing and Going Vintage and they were both really good. I forgot about The Boyfriend App, the Summer I Became a Nerd and The How My Summer Went Up in Flames! I love road trip books. You've got some great spring reading lined up. Enjoy!

  11. Fab list! Thanks for introducing Five Summers, it looks fun. Transparent also sounds awesome. Happy spring reading!

  12. I have officially decided Five Summers will be one of the first books I read this summer, and Transparent and The Rules for Disappearing sound fabulous as well. :) I had no knowledge of this Zits book, but maybe I'll check it out now that you have brought it to my attention. :)

    1. Yes! Haha, I just love comics and this comic is my absolute fave :)

  13. Wow we did have a lot of the same!!! I also want to read How My Summer Went Up in Flames, Transparent, and The Rules for Disappearing too!! Cool list :)

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

  14. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Too many! I must add all of them to my TBR list! I did the same thing - made a list of books coming out this spring. I think others just made a list of books on their TBR list.

    Here's my list: Top Ten List

    1. Yeah, some did. This was more fun to me ;)

  15. Transparent was great and The Program sounds awesome! Beauty also sounds amazing, I love retellings. Fantastic list :)

  16. Yeah, I'd have a hard time narrowing it down to ten, too. :) Dark Triumph is definitely deserves to be on this list.

  17. Oh great, even MORE books to add to my list! Haha! I'm a sucker for fairy tale retellings, so Beauty just made the list. I've been interested in The Program, ever since I heard Suzanne talk about it at her signing. I think I could go on and on too, but I'll spare ya. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, by the way! I can't wait to read Scarlet, especially since you loved it!

    1. Haha ooh you went to her signing? Fun!

      I hope you do as well :)

  18. DARK TRIUMPH!!!!! Oh man, you will LOVE it. It's even better than Grave Mercy, if that's possible. I'm going to one of Robin's signings in a couple of weeks - dying inside!!! (and also pinching myself continually to make sure that I'm awake and that this chance isn't just a dream)

    I've got The Rules for Disappearing and The Boyfriend App on NetGalley, so I'm hoping they're good.

    Happy reading!

    1. That's possible?! Eeeep, you have got to tell me how nice she is and what it's like!

      Ooh, I hope so too!

  19. The Boyfriend App and How My Summer Wend Up In Flames are two books I will definitely be checking out now! Thanks for sharing.
