
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Thought I'd More/Less Than I Did

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Last week, I commented on trends that I would like to see more/less of and now this week: books I thought I woud like more/less than I actually did. I have to admit, including both negative and positive books or trends are much more fun than just having one.

The books I thought I'd like LESS: 

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I credit this book for making me more interested in genres, dystopian especially, than contemporary. Before the movies, my friend talked about this book constantly. I was interested in reading it, but never got around to it until my sister raved about it. She highlighted the best parts and even though I still wasn't convinced that I would actually like it, I read it anyways. I then devoured the other two books right away. This book = WIN. 

Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

I was SO uninterested by the cover. It felt like it was way out of my element. Added on to that, I'm pretty sure this was my first fantasy book...and first book that I intentionally read to review. I already made up my mind that I wouldn't like it. HA. The beginning was slow, but wow. Very well done, Ms. Hartman.

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

Since Shelver really didn't recommend The Hunger Games to me, this is really only the second book on my list that she has officially suggested to me...and my thinking was proven wrong. I couldn't really grasp the synopsis and again, the beginning felt slow, but...I just don't even have words. Perry. Roar. Oh gosh, ROAR. Amazing. 

Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers

Okay, my sister may stop smirking now. Once again, another book I didn't think would be all whoop-dee-do, but was and it was because of the recommendation (and pushing the book in my face every time we talked about books) of my sister. I knew it would be good, I just didn't expect that level of greatness. You gave us a great historical romance, assassins, and Beast, Ms. LaFevers. Therefore, I love you. 

This wasn't on the same level as the others. It wasn't OH MY GOSH SO GOOD, but it was way better than I thought it would be. It dealt with familial issues and I personally enjoyed it. 

Bonus: The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg, Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi, Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo, 52 Reasons Why I Hate My Father by Jessica Brody

Books I thought I'd like MORE: 

Also Known As by Robin Benway

I had such high hopes for this one. I absolutely enjoyed Robin Benway's other books and the thought that she was writing a SPY novel thrilled me to pieces. However, it disappointed me. 

The Nightmare Affair by Mindee Arnett

Nightmares, you say? Color me intrigued, but then erase that and color me bored and disappointed. I kept going back and forth with this one. I would take long reading breaks from it and even if I just read it the day before, I forgot what happened. Meh.

This book deserved a rant from me concerning the annoying factor of the main character. Excited when I was accepted for the e-galley, all I thought about was the cover and the circus aspect and that it just sounded GOOD. The book and I didn't mesh well together. 

The Rules for Disappearing by Ashley Elston

Oh, you guys, I wrote my review for this one already and had so much fun listing the problems I saw in it. Sure, I felt a bit depressed afterwards because I felt like I was dumping such negativity on you, but it was also relieving. There were good aspects to it, but my high expectations were crushed after only a few chapters. Review to come!

I couldn't stop seeing raving reviews for this one. Everyone seemed to adore it. When I won this in a giveaway, I was so excited to read it...then felt like I was rolling my eyes all the time. I love cutesy reads and it was in the sixteenth century? Yes, please! Instead, I got a book that was so pokeable and annoying and a bit forgetful...since I'm still trying to write a review for it. 

Bonus: The Look by Sophia Bennett, This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith, Hooked by Liz Fichera, Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson


What are some books that surprised you? 


  1. I'm a huge fan of Grave Mercy <3 And I also liked THG more than I thought. Great list!


  2. I also have the Nightmare Affair on my list for the same reason as you. It just wasn't amazing.
    New Follower
    my TTT

  3. Awww, Sunny, I'm bummed you didn't like RULES. I thought it was really cute, albeit unrealistic, but I think I needed the cute/sweet at that point in my reading. And haha, it's awesome that Shelver has suggested so many books to you that you ended up loving. ROAR! Can't blame ya there. :)

    1. Yeah, I was pretty disappointed that I was disappointed! I don't think anyone in their right mind can ;)

  4. I agree with The Hunger Games and Under The Never Sky, but I just could not connect with Seraphina. That one would go in the other column for me. I agree with Also Known As, and I'm not going to even attempt the Circus book. I'll have to look at your Rules for Disappearing review, because I've seen some positive ones.

    1. Yeah, that's pretty common. Some people love it, some people don't. Ha!

  5. Wow good list! So many newer books on there that I'm either about to read or really want to read! Opposite of Hallelujiah does look SO good! And I totally agree w/ you on Hooked... it was a DNF for me, too much insta-love. I'm sad Also Known As & This is What Happy Looks Like didn't live up to expectations... I really want to read both of those. I'm about to read 52 Reasons, I just got it from the lib!! I've heard really good thing about it, so YAY!!!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

    1. Well, maybe you'll like the ones I didn't! Ooh, yay! I look forward to hearing how you liked 52 Reasons because I ADORED the book.

  6. So clearly the moral of this story is to listen to Shelver. I bet she is cackling like Ursula the sea witch right about now. Anyways, books... YAY to The Hunger Games, Seraphina, UtNS, and Grave Mercy, all of which I would have put on my list, but I actually had sky-high expectations for them! Shatter Me also took me by surprise. Freaking love that book.

    Shame about Also Known As. I was also slightly disappointed in The Nightmare Affair, because I was expecting SO MUCH from it. As for My Super Sweet Sixteen... I started it ages ago and haven't made much headway. Can't WAIT to hear your Negative Nancy review of The Rules for Disappearing... *evil cackle*

    1. Ha, I was imagining that she was!

      Ugh, it took me so much time to finish My Super Sweet 16 and I was really not invested. Why thank you ;)

  7. I didn't have HG in my list, but it was one I was soooo wary of - particularly as it was one of my first ever YA reads!

    Huzzah for UtNS!

  8. Total agreement on the HG. It's on my list, too. I didn't hate That Time, but it wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. Although that's one my favorite covers. So pretty! I haven't read the opposite, but I enjoyed this author's debut, All Unquiet Things.
    Here's my TTT

    1. It really is a gorgeous cover. Oh, I haven't read the other book!

  9. LOL - I felt the same way about HG. I was so surprised that I liked something so brutal. But, wow, yeah. Amazing. Also, UNDER THE NEVER SKY -- adore it. I'm still trying to decide what I think about THAT TIME I JOINED THE CIRCUS. I thought it was totally far-fetched, but also sweet.

    Anyway, it was fun to read your opinions. Happy TTT!

  10. Grave Mercy and The Hunger Games seem to be popular choices this week! I really enjoyed them both, too.

    I'm really excited for The Rules for Disappearing, but I'm sad it didn't work out for you. I hope I like it.

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  11. I am SO GLAD The Hunger Games is so popular, because I never would have read it had it not been for the hype. This book is definitely a win.

    I also agree about Also Known As. :( You were the one who initially told me that it is no Ally Carter, and you were unfortunately right, although the book is still enjoyable.

    I'm excited for your ranty review of The Rules! I rarely have the patience to finish books I dislike so I don't get to rant much, but I love reading angry thoughts. :)

    1. You know, I usually love being right, but I hated being right in that instance. Yes, enjoyable, but disappointing for me.

      Thank you!

  12. I currently read Under The Never Sky and was pleasantly surprised. I too thought I'd dislike the Hunger Games but it turned out to be one of my favourite books. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. Hehe! I love your blog and I just put your button up, I would love it if you did the same with mine x

  13. The Hunger Games made my list as well for being a pleasant surprise, and I really feel it was a major gateway into dystopia for me as well. Under The Never Sky is on my TBR list... I'm hoping I will love it more than I anticipate just as everyone else seems to!

    1. Oh, I hope so too and really do think you will, it was a great book!

  14. Totally agree with you on Seraphina. It was hard to start with but really grew into something incredible.

  15. I was also pretty disappointed in The Nightmare Affair :( Seraphina sounds awesome, though. I don't usually read much fantasy, but I really want to give it a try. I also love Under The Never Sky (and Roar ;), too. Great picks!

    1. You should and let me know how you liked it!

  16. Sunny, three of your books would have probably made my list. I feel the same way about That Time I Joined the Circus, This Nightmare Affair, and Also Known As. But why did you expect to not like The Hunger Games? I confess, it was my first YA dystopian, but I did think I would like it. I was just hesitant to read it, I guess. SO GLAD I DID THOUGH.

  17. I will NOT stop smirking. Maybe you'll listen to me more now.

  18. When I started Seraphina, I was sure it would end up as a DNF. I was B.O.R.E.D. Luckily, the story picked up right when it needed to and I devoured it. Ended up loving it.

    I passed up buying a copy of Also Known As, because it sounds a little too much like the Heist Society books. I adore those, so I wasn't about to spend my money on something too similar. I've got it on hold at the library though.

    My Top Ten

    1. Agreed! I was thinking back to MG days where Shelver suggested boring books...but I'm glad I stuck it out!

      Good decision!

  19. The Hunger Games is hard to get people to try because it sounds so awful when you describe it. I'm always saying "it's really not as bad as it sounds!"

    Under the Never Sky is one of those books whose title fascinates me every time I hear it. But I've yet to get around to doing anything about it. I have the same thing with certain covers-- every time I see them they catch my attention and I pick them up, but I never actually read them.

  20. I find it funny that 3 of the books in the your you thought you'd like less would be in my I thought I'd like more :)

  21. Seraphina was a book which definitely took me by surprise too, I normally don't pick up fantasy books, but I absolutely adored this! Also I've been hearing great things about The Opposite of Hallelujah, I really need to give it a go already. The Nightmare Affair I also found to be a disappointing read too! Great list Sunny! :)

  22. Too bad about My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, it sounded really cute! I'm really curious to see your review of The Rules for Disappearing now! :)

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  23. I have heard Seraphina is awesome!
