
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Covers That I've Read

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

With Cover Love, I usually show off covers of books that I haven't read yet. So now here's my chance to boast the covers that I have read. Whether they just catch my eye, are pretty, creepy, or just great, here are only ten (or so) covers that I love of books I have read.

Lunar Chronicles

These covers always catch my eye. They're simple, but always make me want to reread because they're fantastic retellings and they convey that.

The Selection

Pretty girls with pretty dresses, I know. But it seems so mysterious and the covers are quite beautiful. 

Robin Benway

I love all of Robin Benway's covers! Vibrant and fun, they make me happy. 

Jennifer E. Smith

I question your romantic side if you don't think This Is What Happy Looks Like's cover doesn't look adorable (even the SPoLaF's cover as well). Besides, I'm always a fan of tastefully done yellow.


The powerful way she walks, the black turning into swooping gray. Why wouldn't I love this cover? 

Grave Mercy

I don't know why anyone wouldn't like this cover. I just don't. 

The Uglies

It feels very haunting to me. Considering The Uglies is about plastic surgery and the such, it fits well. I also really like the girl's nails. 

Going Vintage

Can you say fun


Mysterious, creepy, alluring. I especially like the birds and the clouds over the font is a nice touch. 


She looks tough. It also doesn't hurt that she has an awesome scythe. 

And here are some books that are on my shelf ABOUT to be read. That counts, right? 


Okay, this one is a library book, but I'm about to read it! The rest are on my shelf, I swear. Anyways, this is so pretty, I can't stop looking at it. 

These Broken Stars

I'm such a fan of the color blue, I saw a post about redheads with blue and I really think it works. The dress is gorgeous and, of course, the stars are a really great touch. I can't wait to start this one! It just looks so pretty on my shelf. 

The American Heiress

I think this is an adult book, but I don't know for sure. Looks very regal. Simple, yet elegant. I think Downton Abbey.

Okay, I had to limit myself. I went through my bookshelf and then all through my tiny Goodreads shelf. I didn't even want to think about brainstorming or this post would be a million times longer. But to all the artists/publishers/authors/book people out there who have a hand in making book covers: BRAVO!

What are some of your favorite book covers?


  1. I like the Benway covers in particular! I just read ALSO KNOWN AS and thought it was super cute--I need to check out the others for sure. :) I hadn't seen that alternate Going Vintage cover either; I like them both, in different ways.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  2. I like the Jennifer E. Smith covers - they really convey the feeling of the books too :)

  3. The cover of Going Vintage is super adorable! It would have made my list, but I haven't read it yet! :P

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  4. The Selection is on my list too, and I also love These Broken Stars (I love the stars), Going Vintage (the colors really pop), The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight (the pops of red and the typography) and Cinder/Scarlet (so excited to see the covers for Cress & Winter)! I loved scrolling through your list! :) My TTT list:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  5. I see quite a few of my favorites! I have a copy of This Is What Happy Looks Like and I can't wait to read! I've also got These Broken Stars! I really love that cover! It's so pretty :). Thanks for sharing!


  6. These Broken Stars is one of the coolest covers ever. I love both versions of Going Vintage and Robin does have some kick-ass covers. Great list!
    Natflix&Books' TTT

  7. Great choices! I love so many of these!

  8. Cinder made my list. I plan to read Scarlet towards the end of this month or early June.

    My TTT:

  9. Great Choices. The Selection novels have gorgeous covers and really go with the theme. Going Vintage looks like a really cool read and the cover is so cute. There are so many great covers there haha

  10. The Selection covers are more than just pretty girls in pretty dresses! The kaleidoscope effect is so pretty.

    Robin Benway and Jennifer E. Smith really do have the cutest covers, and I feel like I'm the only one who prefers the hardback Audrey, Wait! to the paperback.

    All of these are eye-catching in their own ways. It must have been so hard to narrow it down!

    1. That's very true!

      Actually, after my talk with you and then my sister, I actually prefer the hardcover now. I really studied them and my eye kept going to the hardcover and that's what I got :)

      It was!

  11. Wow, great picks!! I love them all too, so I guess that means we have very similar cover love taste. :)

  12. Lots of black covers with a pop of color! Love it! I also had The Selection on my list. Those dresses are just gorgeous.

  13. Oh, such great covers! I love The Lunar Chronicles covers. So simple, and yet so fabulous at the same time. I didn't know there was an alternate cover for Going Vintage. I think I like the alternate better. :)

    Great list!

  14. Awesome list, Sunny! I adore the Lunar Chronicles covers' too. And the Going Vintage redesign? To DIE FOR! (:

  15. Gorgeous covers are always my biggest downfall Sunny, sometimes I just grab a cover off the shelf in a book store based on the cover. I have to agree with some of your picks, I especially love both covers of April, May & June, they're so vibrant and ey catching. I also love the covers to Lucid, Going Vintage, both books by Jennifer E. Smith and These Broken Stars. So pretty! I could stare at them all day! Thanks for sharing your great picks with us Sunny! :)

  16. I love all of Robin Benway's covers, too! They had the PB of Audrey, Wait when I scored that title at HPB, but I opted for the HC because it's so bright and fun and happy! :) Love the Jennifer E. Smith covers, too...just as adorable as the stories inside. Great picks!
