
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books at the Top of My Summer TBR Pile

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
It's been summer for a while now, but while making this list, I can't help exclaiming, "It's suuuuummeeeerrtimeeeee!"

So here's my list of books that I fully plan on reading this summer. New or old, I'm determined to read them.

These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

I received an ARC of this one from the publisher a few months ago and have been staring at it on my bookshelf for a while now. Since I couldn't review this one until closer to the release date, I have been holding it off. However, I can't wait any longer and shall be devouring it soon. A space romance sounds summer-y to me. 

Zits: Chillax by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman 

This came out about a month ago, but I've been wanting it ever since I heard there was going to be a new Zits book. Sure, it's comics. I don't care. I can picture myself going to the beach and reading this to my heart's content. 

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

Sequel to Shadow and Bone. The author is Leigh Bardugo. Do you REALLY need more information? Fine. I fell in love with the first book, I have heard only positive things about this one, I just bought Siege and Storm, and recently met Bardugo. I'm anticipating the swoon-age. 

Camp Boyfriend by J.K. Rock

I read the prequel novella on my iPad and was surprised how much I got into it because A. I usually am not as invested with ebooks as regular ones and B. My expectations weren't high. Since I already know I like the story and the main character, I look forward to this one even more. Summertime is specifically for camp books. 

The Program by Suzanne Young

A dystopian society about teen suicide with romance (obviously). Count me in! Actually, I was basically counted in months ago when I first saw it and started pining over it. I will buckle down and make sure I have this book in my hands in this summer. 

For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund

It hasn't been in my library nor have I been able to get an interlibrary loan on it. That won't stop me though even if if I have to write a letter to my library, stating my absolute need for it. It sounds amazing since I love the original Persuasion and I'm a huge fan of retellings. Also, my sister snagged the companion book at BEA so I do have that waiting for me too. 

Unspoken by Sarah Brees Brennan

I feel like I see this one on at least one positive Top Ten Tuesday list a week. Additionally, I know that my trusted blogger friend Gillian LOVES this book so there's another incentive. I, Sunny, pledge that I will stop procrastinating and read this book by its rumored amazing author. Also, it involves an imaginary friend/love interest. Bonus points for originality and a great cover.

Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

When I made its companion novel my Cover Love last week, I was bombarded by great comments saying that I HAVE to read this one. Of course, I also have my sister swooning about it whenever it's even mentioned. WWII stories (and anything related to WWII because hello, Captain America) are my thing and I'm excited just thinking about it. 

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson 

LOOK! It's a male author. I don't have many chances to read books by men so I'm looking forward to this one. Also, the real reason is because it's a twisted superhero story. Thank goodness for BEA and sisters because my sister's copy is only a foot away from me right this second. 

Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay

Once again, thanks to BEA and Shelver going, she got this for my mom. My mom raved about this one and it sounds like the perfect light read. It's technically in letter form, but it reads like any contemporary, first person fiction. If you want to be specific, it could also be considered New Adult, but not with all the sexuality that NA is known for. And it involves Jane Austen references! WIN. 
EDIT: As this is about to be posted, I already finished this one. Yay for me who actually wrote her Top Ten Tuesday way earlier than usual! Also, the book? Absolutely addicting. 

Honorable mentions: The Archived by Victoria Schwab (I've had it on my shelf for the longest time and NEED to read it), Everbound by Brodi Ashton (I love sequels and this is another one), Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers (another sequel that I can't wait to read!), A Long, Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan (repeatedly recommend by my other trusted blogger friend Alice)

What's on your summer TBR list? 


  1. Wonderful summer reading list you have got. Happy reading!!

    Here is my Top Ten post!

  2. Great top ten! Siege and Storm is on my TBR list too:)

    My TTT:

  3. These Broken Stars is staring at me too. I've put it off for now because it isn't out for so long but I think I'll crave and read it this summer or maybe the beginning of fall. And you have Steelheart! I am so curious about this one. I'd love to hear how it is. Enjoy your summer reads! :)

    My Top Ten

  4. Unspoken looks fantastic, I will have to add it to my to-read list too! :)

    My (first!) TTT :)

  5. Ahh, so many amazing books! The Program, Code Name Verity and The Archived are on my wishlist. I have heard so many good things about Siege and Storm - I really need to read that one! Unspoken is also on my summer TBR list so I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts. Happy reading :)

    Zoe @ Bookhi

    1. Have you read the first one? Thank you :)

  6. Stealheart looks amazing. I definitely need to get a copy this summer, too. Camp Boyfriend looks adorable. I have The Program on my Kindle, but haven't been able to get to it yet. So jealous of These Broken Stars. Great list!
    Natflix&Books' TTT

    1. Oh, can't wait to see how you like The Program!

  7. Great list! A lot of these are on my TBR list, too (just not my SUMMER TBR list). I did really enjoy CODE NAME VERITY. I also love Brandon Sanderson. I have STEELHEART on my Kindle, just haven't gotten around to it yet.

    Happy TTT!

  8. Unspoken is one of my favorites. It had all the feels!

    I can't wait to read These Broken Stars, For Darkness Shows the Stars, and Siege & Storm. My copy of S&S is on the way! *meep*

    Great list, as always!

    My Top Ten

    1. Unspoken has a bad cliffie doesn't it? I'm avoiding it b/c of that until book 2 releases.

    2. I LOVE FEELS.

      Yay! Thanks, Ems :)

      It does? Oh gosh...

  9. I'm struggling to keep my hands of THESE BROKEN STARS as well, but I'm sure I'm going to break down soon. Siege and Storm, Code Name Verity and For Darkness Shows The Stars are all EXCELLENT. You are in for some goodness this summer. I will be looking up Dear Mr. Knightly ASAP. LOVE him.

    1. Yay yay yay! I'm so excited for all the summer reading :) Do! Read the synopsis first because he's technically not Mr. Knightley...

  10. Heard great things about Code Name Verity- great list-enjoy!!

  11. I had not heard of this Camp Boyfriend book before. That actually looks really cute. And looking at your list has made me feel guilty for not getting to a bunch of the books on your list that I own and haven't read yet.

    My TTT
    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

    1. Ha, well summertime is the time to remedy that :)

  12. For Darkness Shows the Stars is on my list as well. I didn't have Code Name Verity on my list today, but that is another TBR for me as well. I also love WWII... And Captain America. :)

  13. These Broken Stars and Unspoken are books which I can't wait to read too, I can't believe that I forgot to add them to my list. I adored Code Name Verity, although it does take a little while to get into, it was a beautiful read I hope you get to read a lot of these books over the Summer Sunny!

    1. Thank you, Jasprit, I hope you do too as well :)

  14. STEELHEART! I am itching to get to this one, too! :) And For Darkness Shows the Stars...I need to read it so I can read my galley of the companion novel. Oh, and you definitely, DEFINITELY need to read Unspoken and The Program. Unspoken was one of my favorite books last year and I'm DYING for the sequel. Can't wait to see what you think of all these! And happy summer, Sunny! :D

    1. I will, I most definitely will! All these exclamations of Unspoken is making me get even more impatient. Must finish the book I'm reading now..I I have to? ;) You too, Jen!

  15. YAY for Code Name Verity! I can't wait for you to read it so we can cry together (but not really, since as we discussed on twitter, we both seem to have book emotion deficiency). After that ending in Everneath, Everbound is high on my summer TBR as well, and Dear Mr. Knightly sounds interesting. I had never heard of it, so thanks for letting me know about it.

    Happy summer, and I hope you enjoy the books you plan on reading this season!

  16. AWESOME list! Code Name Verity and Siege and Storm are in my TBR soon pile as well. Can't wait to see your reviews on some of these :)

  17. I still need to read Code Name Verity, everyone keeps recommending it...but everyone keeps crying at the mention of it too! Thanks for the mention; I just found out that there's a sequel to A Long, Long Sleep coming out sometime in 2014 (and by a UK publisher, so I hope it comes to the US)...I don't want to wait! :) Great list!

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

    1. I know, I'm a bit nervous but excited for it :) Ooh, it better!

  18. camp Boyfriend sounds like a PERFECT summer read. The Program si one I hope to read sometime this summer or fall. Have a great Summer of reading!
    Here is my post from Tuesday.
