
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Fall TBR List

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
I know already that I will forget quite a few so I apologize in advance. In no particular order:

Today is the day this lovely heart-wrenching book will be sent to my door. I'll be finishing it probably this weekend, but it still counts as being in the fall.

It's told in HIS perspective! I usually shy away from male POVs, but it's a whole different thing when it's from a male I already know and intrigued in and from a story I already know I like. Book, meet my hand. Hand, grab that book and don't let go. 

Definitely one of my most anticipated 2013 releases. It was also my friend Alice's and she really liked it, making me less nervous to completely disappointing my expectations. How can this NOT sound good? 

I was surprised to find how much I really liked its predecessor (you can see my review here). Of course, this is Disney-Hyperion we're talking about and so far they have been consistently awesome. I'm selective in reading others' reviews, but I have seen thumbs-up reviews on Tamara's sequel. 

I'm pretty sure I had this in my summer TBR list as well. There's a good reason though. I realized I needed to wait until its December publication date to review it and therefore, I needed to read it later as well. I really won't be able to resist this beauty any longer. 

My sister let someone else borrow this so I have to wait, but fall is long. Hopefully the girl is a fast reader. Technically, I could search this at my library and hope it's there. I have way too many other things to do though and I am so lazy. But look! Aristocracy! From what my sister has told me, this sounds amazing.

I have recently read many raving reviews on this one. A contemporary book about a snarky, relatable character fulfilling someone else's bucket list. Sign me up.

I really liked the first book and waited WAY too long to read it and join the Redwine fan club. I am determined to not repeat history with the sequel. Plus, the cover is gorgeous.

*shamefully looks away*
I know, I failed my summer TBR list. I promise I'll read it. Pinky swear.

I honestly haven't seen a single negative review on this. Whether it's a physical copy or audiobook, some of my favorite bloggers are in love with this "oldie." Not only that, but it has also made appearances on positive Top Ten Tuesday posts multiple times. I'm intrigued. 

What are some books that you want/are determined to read this fall?


  1. I still need to read Jellicoe Road too. I have heard nothing but amazing things. I've yet to read Defiance but I have Deception so I'm looking forward to reading them. Tandem! yay, looking forward to that one too. Great list.

  2. You've got a few on here that I hope to get to too like COde Name Verity. I also really enjoyed Jellicoe Road, so I hope you get to it soon :-)

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Another person who has only said positive things about that book!

  3. Looks like you've got some fun reading ahead of you. I really liked CODE NAME VERITY and JELLICOE ROAD. I hope you enjoy them as well!

  4. Yay for Jellicoe Road! It took me like 150 pages to get into it but man was it worth it! I hope you'll enjoy it too!

    1. I love the warning because sometimes I'm very impatient with beginnings!

  5. So many great books made your list, Sunny! I love how you incorporated older books, too, not just new releases. And, yes, you absolutely have to read or listen to Jellicoe Road. I listened, and I thought the audio was fantastic, what with the Aussie accents and all. :P But I can understand wanting to read the beautiful words, too...that's why I also own a hardcover I picked up at the used bookstore. :D

    1. Thank you, Jen! Aussie accents = WIN. Ha! I'm glad it can go either way :)

  6. Fab list! I loved Just One Year- it was all I hoped for. Can't wait to see what you think. And I join you in shamefully looking away about CNV :) These Broken Stars looks fantastic too. Happy fall reading, Sunny!

    1. Thank you! YAYAYAY! So happy it really IS good. Whew, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  7. United We Spy! These Broken Stars looks really good! The cover is awesome! Oooh, I have not really heard of Tandem before, it looks interesting! Great list!

  8. Your list is amazing! I completely agree with you about Just One Year and Time After Time :)

    1. Thanks, Montana! Sequels make me go all grabby hands :)

  9. Code Name Verity is on my list as well. And the cover for These Broken Stars! I hope it's as awesome as its cover!

  10. JELLICOE ROAD!!! It is so good. So good. And it's not even my favorite Marchetta (though I'm in the minority there). You are in for a treat.

    I'm also excited about Just One Year.

    1. Yay! This makes me happy. What would be your favorite then?

    2. Saving Francesca is my favorite. Jellicoe Road comes in a very close second to it though, which still puts it HIGH above most other books.

  11. I hope that you love JELLICOE ROAD and CODE NAME VERITY as much as I did. Both of those impacted me so much, but in very different ways! I was incredibly fearful of JUST ONE YEAR, but it truly blew me away. I was hesitant about WIllem at first but his journey through the book is just wonderful. I have Time Between Us and Defiance on my TBR and I hope to love them enough to read the sequels. THESE BROKEN STARS is a must read!! But I want to love it so much that I have been afraid to pick it up. Hope you end up adoring all of these, Sunny!

    1. That's what I keep hearing. I'm waiting for a good time to just be hit with the emotions. That you were blown away from JUST ONE YEAR makes my heart happy. I hope you love them! I'm feeling the same :) Thanks!

  12. Code Name Verity and Jellicoe Road are brilliant reads. I really hope you like them! I'm also really looking forward to These Broken Stars - I've heard great things about it already! Belle Epoque is another one that I need to get my hands on. Hope you enjoy reading all of these, Sunny! Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Thank you, I hope so too! They seem like no-fails...which makes me nervous.

  13. There's no need to be ashamed that you failed to read one book on your summer list - I failed to read nine!

    Here's my TTT.


  14. How are your emotions faring regarding the Gallagher Girls? Are the shards beginning to snap back together yet?

    I'm interested to hear what you have to say about Jellicoe Road. I couldn't get past page 100, despite EVERYONE saying that the end is worth it, but if you love it, that might be the final push I need to continue. Some peoples' opinion on books has more of an influence on me than others. :)

    Aah, Code Name Verity is so amazingly brilliant. But it IS pretty racy. Be warned.

    1. Not yet ;)

      Oh man, well at least I found a negative review, which I always look for :)

