
Sunday, January 5, 2014

2013 End of Year Book Survey - Part 2

best books 2013 end of year surveyIn case you missed it, yesterday, I started the 2013 End of Year Book Survey that the fabulous Jamie from The Perpetual Page-Turner makes and hosts. That part of the survey consisted of the 2013 best in books. You can read it here. Today is part two so enjoy!


1. New favorite book blog you discovered in 2013? 

How can anybody do this without having a panic attack afterwards? I tried to list only one blog and then I realized that I have discovered so many wonderful and amazing and fantastic blogs and bloggers out there. I listed important ones near and dear to my heart along with blogs with great humor, but then afterwards, I panicked that I forgot somebody. So I'll just say YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Or at least, I hope you do.

2. Favorite review that you wrote in 2013? 

I'm not sure if it's my favorite, but I did have a lot of fun writing my review for The Song of the Lioness by Tamora Pierce because I was basically fangirling all around. 

3. Best discussion you had on your blog?

Back in January, I discussed the groan-worthy trope of love triangles, but with a twist. Instead of having the stereotypical two guys fighting over one girl, what about if it's two girls over one guy? And wouldn't be unfair since usually that girl is the main character so we automatically hate the other girl and we have biased feelings? You all responded with great comments and I loved reading them. My post can be found here

4. Most thought-provoking review or discussion you read on somebody else’s blog?

Once again, I can't do this. I have read so many amazing discussions this past year that made me think or laugh. Off the top of my head, I instantly think of the glorious Gillian and the lovely Lauren

5. Best event that you participated in (author signings, festivals, virtual events, memes, etc.)?

I went to my first ever author signing this year that had my favorite author, Ally Carter, so that will always be remembered. I also met fabulous authors at the Fierce Reads tour.

6. Best moment of book blogging/your book life in 2013?

Now this is just cruel. How can I ever remember all of them and then actually pick the best? I loved getting my first ARC, Harper whitelisting me on Edelweiss, squealing with authors, and becoming closer with bloggers. All the little things add up to make a great 2013.

7. Most Popular Post This Year On Your Blog (whether it be by comments or views)?

Surprisingly like REALLY surprisingly, the most pageviews were for Book Blogger Confessions #1, which is a meme I stopped doing. I don't think it happens anymore (I searched for it on the host's site and there didn't seem to be any new ones), but maybe I should do something similar?

8. Post You Wished Got A Little More Love?

I'd probably have to say any review because those always take so much time to write and when you don't receive many comments, it can be a bit deflating, although I know people do lurk (I know I do).

9. Best bookish discover (book related sites, book stores, etc.)?

Uh, Better World Books (which offers great used book sales), maybe?

10.  Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning of this year?

I didn't set any goals until December, but I did mostly complete that one. I participated in a read-a-thon and finished most of the books I set out to read. I think I missed one or two, but I added in a couple that I didn't set out to read so I think that I compensated for it.


1. One Book You Didn’t Get To In 2013 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2014?

This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales since everyone and their mother seems to enjoy this one.

2. Book You Are Most Anticipating For 2014 (non-debut)?

I'm just going to give you all a previous list and add in that I'll completely fangirl when I have Ruin and Rising and the sequel to All Our Yesterdays 

3. 2014 Debut You Are Most Anticipating?

Do I have to pick just one? At least I limited myself. 


4. Series Ending You Are Most Anticipating in 2014?


5. One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading/Blogging In 2014?

I think the most fanciful one would be attend BEA. The most important would be to not be too concerned with stats and to not let school bog my reading down.

And that's my 2013—of sorts—for you! On Tuesday, I'll be talking more about my 2014 goals.


  1. I remember your wonderful discussion on love triangle. Always a hot topic! I'm sort of nervous for Ignite Me, the love triangle here is the center of my anxiousness. I'm so over them and I don't want to be ticked off by whatever happens. The problem is that I like Adam and Warner, so I probably won't be happy either way. Great post, Sunny! :)

    1. I agree! Love triangles are major stresses in my book life that I need to be rid of! I don't like Adam, so Mafi should make it easy on me with Warner and you'll end up liking it, I'm sure!

  2. I'm so excited for Ignite Me, too! I really want to know who Juliette's going to choose (please be Warner). For the debuts, Something Real and Side Effects May Vary both sound amazing (I love how colorful the cover for Something Real is).

    I really liked your discussion post for love triangles, too. That's so cool you went to a Fierce Reads tour stop. I've always wanted to go to one of those. Great post :)

    1. I will cry if it's not Warner. Also, don't they? I love the color and I'm so excited to potentially love new authors!

      Thanks, Montana :)

  3. I'm a little jealous that you got to go to an Ally Carter signing this year! :) Better World Books! The only bad thing about that website is that I end up buying more books than I told myself I was allowed to buy! Something Real is a book that I'm looking forward to reading too! 2013 was a really great bookish year, and 2014 looks like it it's going to be amazing for books too! :)

    1. It was amazing although I blubbered like an idiot when I met her, basically either being silent or saying something unintelligible. YES. The downside to such a great site...well, upside for them.

  4. Love your gifs! It's so cool that you met Ally Carter. :)

    Have an awesome 2014,

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  5. Another great post. I'll just assume #1 is me. Just let me boost my own ego. lol

    Yeah, you should start doing your own confessions post if you want to. I always find them interesting.

    1. Haha, ding ding are correct ;)

      I'm looking into it!

  6. I tried to do this survey, but I found it too difficult to narrow my entries down, so I skipped it. :P I love all of your answers, though! And I'd love to make it to BEA, too, but I don't think this is my year. :(

    1. Aw, man. Well, we could have an anti-BEA party if it turns out I can't either!

  7. I wouldn't be able to answer a lot of these questions! too difficult. hah I am excited for the new year though and I hope to get a lot of reading in, and try new types of books and read books I haven't had time to read yet. There are so many!


    1. I so agree to this! A lot of answers and a lot of books to come.

  8. 2014 is shaping up to be a good year! Hope you like TSWSYL, and I can't wait to get my hands on Mad WIcked Folly. I'll have to check out Better World Books more too!

    I've been going back and forth about BEA but don't think I'll go this year. I hope you do though and I can't wait to hear all about it!

    So awesome that you met Ally Carter!

    Fun survey answers - thanks for sharing your highlights!

    1. Can I ask what are your reasons to not going to BEA? Money?


  9. Yessss, read THIS SONG WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE! So so good. I'm really looking forward to SIDE EFFECTS MAY VARY, too, Julie has such a fun personality online that I bet it translates well into her books. Love your survey, Sunny--may 2014 bring many more memorable bookish adventures!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Thanks, WendY! I hope the same thing for you as well!

  10. Your love triangle discussion was great! I remember leaving a long, rambling comment and loving how you incorporated Taylor Swift. Ooh, BEA! Do you think that's a realistic goal? If so, I'm going to start sending you positive thoughts that encourage you to make it happen. :)

    As for the books, I'm a bit mad that All Our Yesterdays is going to have a sequel because I didn't think it needed one, but I may end up reading it anyway. I'm also excited for the debuts you listed, and of course Ignite Me. There are so many good books coming out in 2014!

    1. Kinda. I think it all depends on if 1. I find a cheap place to stay and if 2. I have to go to a hotel, then if I want to deplete my savings. I'd rather room with a stranger than spend a fortune on a hotel.

      I was too. I want more of Finn and all, but I'd rather there not be a sequel because I was satisfied with the ending. Now that I see the sequel's synopsis, I'm rather stressed.

  11. I am looking forward to ignite me as well! Mad wicked folly sounds really good as well!

  12. I admire anyone who has the stamina to complete one of these lists! THANK YOU for mentioning me here, dear. That is sweet. I wish I did more discussions, but they are so time consuming, and sometimes i feel like I have a lot of half thoughts that I need to work to flesh out before I can write them down. Maybe that makes no sense? Anyway, I didn't read This Song Will Save Your Life either! That feels like a major fail of 2013, especially because so many people raved about it. But it's something to look forward to enjoying this year. I'm also desperately excited/nervous/fearful about Ignite Me. I'm worried about spoilers leaking, but can't' wait to read the book myself. It was fun discussing All Our Yesterdays and I'm also excited about the sequel. A Mad, Wicked Folly was a fun book. Hope you like it too!

    1. I wish I did as many as you did! Discussions are so much fun and you really made me think with yours. No, that makes A LOT of sense. One of the reasons why I don't have many. I nodded throughout your whole comment!
