
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Rewind & Review: December 30th - January 12th

Hosted by Shae Has Left the Room
Don't mind me, I'm just searching for the rapidly disappearing time. Anyone seen it? It's already mid-January and I'm torn between feeling like Christmas was very far away or feeling like it was just yesterday. This is hurting my head so I'll just move on to show the pretty books I received and blogging shenanigans that have happened or will happen.

Books I Was Given: 

Number of Books I've Completed: 4

Books I'm Reading:

Previous Blog Posts:
  • As listed above, I dropped my pseudonym. And your comments were so sweet.
  • I've series binged on Rae Carson's Girl of Fire and Thorns so I can now go HECTOOOOR with you all (I've already done so many times). 
  • When Top Ten 2014 Goals popped up, I loved seeing everyone's goals for this year. There were repeats, but that made it great to know that other people were striving for the same goal. 
  • I'm publicly shaming my mailman because he skipped my house TWO days in a row and now I think that I have missing packages. I don't know his name though so it's not real publicly shaming. But still. He will feel and fear my glare through the window. 

Upcoming Blog Posts:
  • Top Ten Tuesday: 2014 Debuts 
  • Steps of Fangirling
  • Review: All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill*
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Reading Wishlist
  • Followers: The Shameful Truth
  • Review: Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein*
*Subject to change

Hope you've had a great haul these past two weeks!

To buy any of the books mentioned in this post, click this button: 
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  1. Lol, I'm forever staring outside my window waiting for the postman to deliver my books. xD
    Eeep, you have Cress! Beyond excited for that!

    1. Yes! I look forward to that time when he usually comes.

  2. I have not read The Girl of Fire and Thorns series yet, but I guess I might need to try it because of the reaction everyone gives about it!

    There must be a lot of annoying mailmen in the world, because ours is always delivering our packages to the wrong house. And skipping our house. :(

    Have a good week, Summer! :)

    1. It is AMAZING. If you like fantasy, I recommend it. If you don't, I still recommend it.

      Ugh, I would be in a fit.

    2. I just read the series this week, and you really should read them, Jessica! Crown of Embers was my favorite.

  3. Manor of Secrets sounds so good! I haven't read anything by Katherine Longshore yet, but I'm hoping to sometime this year. I also want to read The Girl of Fire and Thorns series. I don't think I've heard anything bad about it. (I want to find out about Hector, too ;)

  4. You're welcome! (For Manor of Secrets.)

    Still jealous of you having Cress. Your bookish week has been awesome and I'm looking forward to all the blog posts you mentioned.

  5. lmao! I hope the mailman feels your wrath. I think I have the grumpiest mailman ever, and our stuff goes missing all the dang time. Grrr. Oh my gosh, I need Cress. Like, now.

    1. Ugh. I think there should be a mailman policy in place.

  6. Oh! I have Severed Heads, Broken Hearts as well :) and I can't wait to read it! I've been wanting to read Antigoddess, and really don't know why I haven't yet...
    Too many books I guess! :)

  7. *gasp* For shame on your mailman!! We need our packages, us book lovers. lol Looks like you have a lot of fun posts coming up this week!! I'm trying to keep up as best as I can, but things are going to start getting really busy again. Sigh.

  8. Summer, I'm so excited you have Cress! I'll be burrowing Lauren's copy, (from Love is not a Triangle) so I'll be reading it very soon here. :D I read Antigoddess back in October, and I really enjoyed it! It has plenty of action and a dash of mystery to keep you on your toes. I think my favorite character from that introduction is Hermes, but Athena and Odysseus are pretty great too! I hope you have fun with it. :)

    I NEED to finish up the Fire and Thorns series! I just need to read The Bitter Kingdom. My library recently got a copy, so I'll be getting around to it soon. I agree, Hector all the way. <3

    I'm looking forward to your thoughts on All Our Yesterdays and Code Name Verity this week. I'm also curious about your TTT post. I'll be back soon. Enjoy the week! :)

    Marlene @ The Flyleaf Review

    1. I can't wait for you to read Cress, it is amazing! Oh, that's great to hear about Antigoddess. I've been interested, but wary. Now I'll be noticing Hermes even more (ugh, I know it's mythology, but I can't help think of herpes).

      *squeals* I can't wait to see how you like it!

      Thanks, Marlene :)

  9. "Maybe one day I'll finish this"...BAD DUM DUM. Haha, silly Summer! Anyway, I'm pretty much resolved to being happy that Christmas is VERY far away again. It took a lot out of me this year...and my pocketbook! :P Yay for the HECTOOOOOR love! Somehow, I knew you'd love that series once you tried it. :D And I hope you enjoy Not a Drop to was different, but I really kind of loved it, just the same. Same goes for Antigoddess! Happy reading!

    1. Haha! You make me laugh, Jen. It was strange for me because most of the time, it didn't feel like Christmas for me. But I'm glad everything is slowly starting to go back to normal. Woo, that's great!
