
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Rewind & Review: February 24 - March 9

Hosted by Shae Has Left the Room
I feel like every month brings on new craziness. Well, my personal life has been pretty hectic, but the bookish side has stayed a little quiet in the receiving ends. However, I'm waiting for a couple books to come in so hopefully the next R&R will be a little more exciting.

Books I Received:

Number of Books I've Completed: 2 (seems to be my number)

What I'm Reading Now/Next: 

Previous Blog Posts:
  • Waiting on Wednesday: Disney-Hyperion books
  • Mini Reviews
  • Readerly Shame
  • Review: Something Real by Heather Demetrios
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Spring TBR
  • Review: Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman
*Subject to change

Bookish (and not-so-bookish) Happenings: 
  • Won 2nd place at basketball championships! 
  • The 2014 fall/winter catalogue for Disney-Hyperion is up for viewing on Edelweiss. So many pretties.
  • Spring break happened. However, there was no break for me. 
  • Disney publicist Cassie is great and deserves all the peanut butter.
  • My best friend is getting me a signed copy of Alienated by Melissa Landers!
  • Since so many people on blogs said they wanted to be more fit in 2014 (who doesn't?) I thought about adding a feature including fitness. But...I don't know. *shrugs* 
  • HEY LOOK! Remember when I talked about the non-blogging bookish friend who was going to join the blogosphere? Well, she has! Click here to visit Emily's blog and give her a big welcome! 

Why does my body feel like it's being pulled so many ways, but it's not getting ANYTHING done? I blame daylight savings even though it's only been in effect for today. Anyways, I hope you all had a great start to March!

To buy any of the books mentioned in this post, click this button: 
Buy This Book from Book Depository, Free Delivery World Wide

Warning: I will, yet again, be gone for a few days. This time, I'll be at my grandparents house where I don't have access to a computer, just my phone, so I'll play catch-up with commenting when I get back later this week!


  1. Congrats on coming 2nd! It's spring break for me soon, too. But not really since I will be revising for exams. ;(

    I've heard good things about Something Real, and although it's not my typical kind of read I may just have to get it.

    1. Thanks, Renu! Ugh, doesn't that suck? One class had an assignment due the Tuesday after spring break so thankfully I could work ahead, but basically the class had to work on it during spring break. Why do teachers do that?!

  2. Congratulations on winning 2nd place! :D I'd love to be more fit too! AND really? Disney-Hyperion books on Edelweiss? I'm off to check that one out after I read your review of SEMV! :D Great post! :)

    -Kimi at Geeky Chiquitas

    1. Thanks, Kimi! YES. I'm writing a WW on the DH books. They're amazing.

  3. Ooh, The Chapel Wars! Looking forward to reading it and hearing what you think of it! (Just finished Going Vintage by that author the other day and really enjoyed it!)

    And congratulations on winning 2nd place at championships, Summer! That's amazing! :) Would love to be more fit this year, if you do something on your blog that would be neat! :)

    Daylight saving time... Ugh. Have a wonderful March! :)

    1. Oh, I loved Going Vintage! It was actually my first ARC :)

      Thanks, Jessica!

  4. I'm really tempted by Something Real, hope you like it.

  5. You have The Chapel Wars? *makes grabby hands*

    Looking forward to your upcoming reviews!

  6. There is so much awesomeness in the "Bookish (and not-so-bookish) Happenings" section of this post. Congratulations on getting second place! I'd love to see a bookish fitness feature, and I would totally try to do any bookish fitness challenges it may contain. Lastly, I'm excited to see your friend has made a blog - I will comment on it soon!

  7. I'm sorry things are so hectic for you Summer! But you seem to be reading a lot of amazing-ness and have some awesome posts coming up which I can't wait to read hooray! I hope you have a fabulous March ahead of you!
