
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Spring TBR List

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
It's always so fun to make Top Ten TBR lists, but I realize how depressing it is once the next season rolls around and you realized that you never did complete that TBR list. But we won't think about that. We'll just take the next couple of minutes and thank the publishers and authors out there for producing these upcoming books.

Going Over by Beth Kephart
Publication date: April 4th

Lovers on the opposite side of the Berlin wall. THIS IS MY BOOK.

The Hunt by Stacey Kade 
Publication date: April 22nd

I've liked everything the lovely Stacey Kade has written and this is the sequel to a Disney-Hyperion book I read last year, which I really enjoyed. 
EDIT: I just got this in the mail yesterday, which is perfect timing for my beach trip in a couple days.

Publication date: April 15th

The great Ashleigh (who actually lives in the same area) is sending me this ARC. Despite some hesitation, I still feel like twirling. 

Stolen Songbird by Danielle L. Jensen
Publication date: April 1st

I'm not a fan of the cover, but the synopsis has so many great things that I can't even compute. Plus, my sister raved about it. 

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson 
Publication date: May 6th

I'm a fan of Morgan Matson's books for life which I hope I don't regret saying.

The Ring and the Crown by Melissa de la Cruz 
Publication date: April 1

*hugs Disney-Hyperion*

Summer State of Mind by Jen Calonita 
Publication date: April 22nd

I'll be honest, I'm terrified that this will be a disaster since it's a spin-off-sequel. But it's Jen Calonita. 

Salvage by Alexandra Duncan 
Publication date: April 1st

Feminist sci-fi? Count me in.

Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira 
Publication date: April 1st

I don't know why, but if a book includes letters, I'm instantly attracted.

Plus One by Elizabeth Fama 
Publication date: April 8th

An alternate reality, star-crossed lovers (although I hate that term, I love the concept), and civil rights. Please and thank you.

Split Second by Kasie West
Publication date: February 11th, 2014

Considering that Kasie West is somewhat of bookish royalty for me, I don't know why I haven't gotten my hands on this sequel yet. I'm failing in life, obviously.

Palace of Spies by Sarah Zettel
Publication date: November 5th, 2013

Another book my sister loved. Another book I think I would binge on.

Lady Thief by A.C. Gaughen
Publication date: February 11th, 2014

Confession: I'm terrified.

What are books you can't wait to read this spring? 


  1. I hope you end of loving Split Second when you finally get to it! I loved it a whole lot. Some of these books are actually new to me so I need to go check out their goodreads pages and see what they are about!

  2. Yes, be terrified of Lady Thief. It was a book I would've thrown against walls, had I not been in the car while reading most of it. But I still loved it.

    Great choices, overall! I wasn't a fan of Salvage or Love Letters to the Dead, but hopefully you'll end up liking them more than I did.

  3. I LOVED Stolen Songbird :) Lady thief was absolutely fantastic and heart-breaking at the same time. The ring and the crown is high on my wish list. The cover is stunning and I love the concept. I've also heard good things about Love letters to the dead, so I'm interested to read it myself. Great list!


    1. Yay, another vote for Stolen Songbird! Isn't it? I'm having fun just looking at the exterior of these books (of course, it'd be even nicer to have them in my hand and look at them;)

  4. What you wrote at the top is sadly true... I rarely finish the TBR list I write, but like you wrote, let's not think about that now! Okay, Summer State of Mind is one I'm looking forward to, but you knew that! And To All the Boys I've Loved Before! That didn't make my list, but I'm looking forward to it! (I love the cover of it, too!) I hadn't heard of Stolen Songbird before Shae reviewed it, but it does look good! I hope you'll love all of these books! :)

    1. Summer State of Mind is a book that we MUST discuss once we read it. I don't know anybody else who's read the first one!

  5. FAB list, Sunny! So you know how I feel about LADY THIEF (just replied back to your earlier comment, btw) and YES to GOING OVER! I just finished reading The Ring and the Crown and if you love M. de la Cruz's other books than you will love this one--and I'm super excited to read Plus One, Stolen Songbird and Love Letters too!

    1. I'll be looking at it! I haven't read de La Cruz's other books, but I'll definitely be checking them out now. Thanks!

  6. I'm dying to read To All the Boys I've Loved Before! Hopefully, it'll end being as great as it sounds. Happy reading! :)

  7. Such a great list! I really liked Love Letters to the Dead and hope you do too.Going Over and Since You've Been Gone also sound fabulous. And I agree that the fun part is making the list, even if our actual reading takes a detour. Happy spring reading :)

    1. Thanks! Aren't they? I wish the list actually comes true, but at least I have some sort of an outline for the upcoming months :)

  8. WHY have I not heard of Going Over before now? It sounds amazing - I'm adding it on Goodreads right now.

    I'm also excited to read Since You've Been Gone - I waited in line for a long time to get the display copy on the last day of the convention I just went to, so I'll be picking it up soon. :D

    I hope you enjoy all of these books!

    1. I have no idea, but it sounds exactly like your type of book!

      Eeeep, I can't wait to see how you like it!

  9. I still haven't decided if I'm going to read Lady Thief or not. The only reason I gave Scarlet 4 stars was because of the ending otherwise I really struggled with the novel. You are going to love Split Second I just know it. I'm also interested in Love Letters to the Dead.

    1. Oh? Well, that's sad to hear! I loved Scarlet so I'm excited, but I've heard some heartbreaking things about the sequel.

  10. I really love your list!! I MUST read To All the Boys!! I love Jenny Han and the whole idea for the book sounds cool. Since You've Been Gone is one I also want to read. And I STILL haven't read a Kasie West book!?!?!? I need to read Pivot Point asap! Great list... I hope you like Love Letters. I'm the same way with books with letters, I just have to read them. I didn't love that book though. It had an interesting premise, but ehhh it didn't wow me. But it seems like most everyone else loved it, so maybe I'm the weird one :)

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT


  11. Split Second made my list too, and I think there are quite a few of us who haven't gotten around to it yet even though we loved Pivot Point!

  12. Summer I too have Plus One and To All the Boys I've Loved Before on my list, I hope that we both end up loving them! I also need some more books from Matson in my life! And Love Letters to the Dead looks amazing too! brilliant list!

  13. Stolen Songbird sounds so interesting! I recently read an amazing review for it, and now I definitely want to read it. Since You've Been Gone and To All The Boys I've Loved Before also sound great.

    Split Second is such an amazing sequel, too. It was the perfect conclusion to the series for me. Great picks :)

  14. Great picks! I am looking forward to reading a few of these myself, especially To All The Boys I've Loved Before and Love Letters to the Dead which both made my list. I also love the look of Plus One and that cover is gorgeous. I hope you find the time to get to them all :) My TTT.

  15. Almost all these books are on my TBR and the ones that are new to me are NOW are my TBR ;) I'm reading Plus One right now and liking it although it started out really rough. Stolen Songbird has nothing but good reviews and Melissa de la Cruz is always fun!

  16. Oh man!! I cannot wait for Jenny Han's new one! :) I loved her summer series <3

    Salvage though. I read that one last month. I was no a fan, it was very disappointing, and I was surprised because I usually love me some sci fi. :/ Cant love them all I guess! lol

    1. Aw. See, I think I might take it off my list now that I keep hearing negative things about it.

  17. Oh, you *should* be terrified of Lady Thief. But in the best possible way. My heart still isn't over that one. :( Plus One is a new favorite for sure. I wasn't going to make my copy of The Ring and the Crown a priority, but I keep seeing everyone rave over it. I just didn't have much luck with her last book, but I'll give this one a chance. ;) Hope you love every single one of these when you get to them!
