
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Back to the Grind

I didn't want to sound like I'm kicking and screaming back to the blog. The grind sounds uncomfortable, doesn't it? But it's a saying that really fits because I'm back at the blog and at life. In case you didn't know, here's what's been happening with me.
  • I have two jobs. One is a "media specialist"/cleaning lady and the other is a cashier. One is awful, the other is awful to my feet. 
  • Despite contrary belief, once you apply, are accepted, and choose the college you want to go to...YOU'RE NOT DONE. That's right. Register for orientation, pick housing, wait for housing, send final transcripts, fight the urge to pull out your hair because of people's stupidity and the way institutions work, and in some cases (like mine) you have to decide if you'll go into honors classes. I AM AN INDECISIVE PERSON, THIS IS NOT GOOD. 
  • Possible iron deficiency. So for the last year or so, my iron levels have gone down and we really don't know why. Last time I was at the doctor, he told me to get in the habit of taking multi-vitamins and then come back in to be tested again (which we forgot to do the latter part). If it IS iron deficiency, I can shift the blame of fatigue and lack of motivation/discipline to THAT (instead of it all on my "summer blues" and the fact that I procrastinate sleep). If it's not...I don't know.
  • I'm stuck in the sticky, quicksand-like land of NO DISCIPLINE. I have all the motivation, but there's no point in having motivation if you can't get your body to actually do it. Blog stuff, fitness, skills...everything. It's like something is holding my body down instead of actually letting me improve myself. Picture a hamster on a hamster wheel. It's not as fun as it seems. 
  • NEW FANTASY BOOKS FOR THE WIN! The Midnight Thief = win, Snow Like Ashes = more win than lose, The Winner's Curse (new for me) = landslide. Summertime should have summery, contemporary books, but right now, fantasy is killing it for me. 

That's what's been happening, as in present tense. What I want to happen, as in future tense, is lots. I have ideas and half-baked ideas and ideas of gaining new ideas. I don't feel like I have all the resources that I need, but if I don't fix something, I'm going to stay miserable. Another thing that's going to happen is that I'll be more on top of my posts. I'm only mentioning this here because MAYBE if I actually announce it to the world, I'll feel like I can't back out. Let's hope. I do know that this will be the schedule for the coming week. 
  • Wordpress, Mail, and Other Blog Headaches
  • Author Interview with Livia Blackburne and GIVEAWAY! 
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books (so far) This Year
  • Review: Say What You Will by Cammie McGovern
  • Rewind & Review: May 18 - June 15

So come back Thursday for a discussion (announcement/help post?) and SUNDAY to read the interview with the fabulous Livia Blackburne and to win her AMAZING book The Midnight Thief. Also, tell me what's been happening with YOU in the comments below...or on Twitter, etc. 


  1. I'm so behind on life. I just graduated college and I want to spend the summer chilling but I'm chilling so much that I'm getting nothing done.

    But I do hope everything slows down for you. The summer before college can be stressful because no one lets you know what to expect and I just thought I was free when there's just so much to do. It'll all get done eventually, so don't forget to have some fun!

    1. THAT'S EXACTLY MY PROBLEM! I get more done in the school year when I have more stuff to do and time constraints than I do when I'm freer. It's the pressure I think.

      Thanks, Aly!

  2. Oh no, sounds like you've been very busy now. I hope your iron deficiency will be fixed soon, do you have an appointment to get it tested again? I'm in a huge fantasy mood at the moment too! I'm not a contemporary reader anyway, but fantasy all the way lately :D

    1. Thanks, Mel! I think my mom was supposed to call this week (I HATE the dr's so I'm avoiding that). AGREED

  3. Ah, it sounds like you've been/are very busy. :( I used to think Summer was a time to relax, but the past few years it seems to me to be as busy as the rest of the year!

    I hope your iron deficiency gets fixed soon, and it helps you to not be as tired feeling. I have it, too. :(
    But yay that you have been reading good books! I want to read Snow Like Ashes, and the other two books look good!

    And talking about getting ahead on posts reminds me that I need to get ahead, too! Way too many times I have been rushing to finish writing it the night before it goes up, it would be nice to have them done in advance.

    (And by the way, I'm getting Summer State of Mind at the library tonight! Yay that I'm finally getting it! (: )

    1. YES. It's busy, but so unproductive, which is the worst. If I had a physical copy of SLA, I'd give it to you! And amen to the advance of posts.

  4. I know how you feel. I was super down in the dumps for months and then discovered that I had pneumonia - and I went to the doctor today to find that I STILL have pneumonia... so it has to get better for us all.

  5. I would encourage you to take honors classes in college, Summer! I enjoyed mine!

  6. Summer, you are not alone. It seems like everyone I know is in a bit of a slump, myself included. I've been blogging and reading, but I've been more anti-social than usual, which is rather bad because I already tend to keep to myself as it is. I'm also feeling the lack of discipline these days. But I'm glad you found some enjoyment out of your fantasy novels. I haven't read Snow Like Ashes yet, but you've made me want to dive in ASAP. Hope you get sorted out and back to feeling like your sunny self! :D
