
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Blogging Confessions

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This week on Top Ten Tuesday, we list our blogging confessions! I thought it would be hard, but I had no problem with coming up with 10. Although, technically, a lot of these are reader confessions. Either way, it feels good to share.

1. I tried making a Tumblr before, got too frustrated, quit, and now I started again. So I'm a Tumblr newbie. (You can follow me here to see bookish related things and gifs, of course)

2. I really, really wish I knew how to code and make feature buttons, but I think learning Russian is easier.

3. I also wish I could think of my own feature, but I continually draw a blank or a dead end.

4. I used to be shocked when someone didn't finish a series right away or even at all. Now I'm one of them.

5. In pre-blogging days, I thought fantasy and other non-contemporary books were weird and hard to understand so I didn't even try.

6. I never use a bookmark. I try, but I always end up losing it or forgetting about it. Every time I pause from reading, I just remember what chapter I'm on (I usually stop by 5s, i.e. chapter 5, chapter 20, chapter 35, etc.)

7. I've gotten into the horrible habit of reading a book, processing it, and then putting off the review until much, MUCH later.

8. When I get busy, sometimes the only time I get to read in the day is the 10 minutes I go on the treadmill at night.

9. In pre-blogging days, I used to read a LOT of adult books (at least 90% of my reading material) and they were mostly all historical. Now in present day, it's been hard to get into any historical (at least of the YA kind)

10. I want to say that I'm a John Green fan, but technically, I'm only partially a fan. I read TFiOS (way before a movie was in the works), loved it, and then tried to read another one of his. I couldn't get into it. One of these days I will...

And that's it! I could really go on confessing, but I'll spare you. What are your blogging/reading confessions?


  1. I totally understand about the code, bookmarks, and finishing series, recently I've also been procrastinating (which I really need to stop)!
    My TTT

    1. I just saw your list and I bow down to your prompt reviewing!

  2. I can relate to so many of these like procrastinating and finishing series books. I'm always surprised that I enjoy historical when I pick it up but I still rarely do. Thanks for sharing your blogging confessions!

  3. Ugh, blogger just ate my comment, let's try this again!

    Yes to #4! And up to right before I began blogging, I read more Fantasy then anything, but now I think I read more contemporary than anything which I think is interesting! :) I almost never use a bookmark (Even though I collect them!), I usually just try to remember the page number, too! :) And ugh, yes to #7! I need to get better at writing reviews when I finish a book, instead of weeks later. Love the list! :)

    1. Ugh, I hate when that happens.

      Ha, we're opposites!

  4. What kind of coding/feature buttons? I'm not a techie, but I did learn a little destroying and rebuilding the template for my blog. ;) (And if I can't do it, I can probably track down a tutorial or someone who can.)

    And no worries; you're not the only one who posts reviews long after reading the book.

    1. Really?! Kel! Well, I obviously have no knowledge in this area because I want to say just general coding. Like, to know how to use HTML so I can customize my own layout and be able to fix things (such as Tumblr), etc. Really, anything. As for features, I want to know how to make a feature button, an image to put in a post.

    2. If you just want to mess with the look/design of a blog (no structure), you should be able to use CSS. I'm not overly familiar with Tumblr, but it looks similar to Blogger. Pick a theme, then tweak the CSS.

      I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "make a feature button." Do you mean design your own meme header like the Top 10 image/link?

      If you want to talk in more detail (and not have me clutter your comments), you can email me at bookedtiltuesday (at) gmail (dot) com.

  5. I find myself procrastinating on reviews as well. Also, co-signed on reading more YA after blogging than before.

  6. Yay, glad to have a newbie friend on Tumblr! I can't imagine not keeping my place in my book with something! I would constantly forget where I was!

  7. I used to be so good at writing reviews straight after reading a book, but now I've become so lazy, I can't even remember the books that I need to review. I also have hardly any time to read these days later, which sucks as all I want to do is read all the books! Thanks for sharing this post with us Summer, I had a lot of fun reading it!

    1. Me too, Jasprit. Ugh. Thankfully I still keep up with my book log so I can see when they get published...but I'm still running kinda late with those.

  8. If I don't write the review soon after finishing a book I usually won't write one. I had to bail out of reviewing Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge because I didn't take notes and it was an audiobook, so I couldn't remember that much. Also, the book didn't wow me so it didn't leave a big impression either. Great post here, Summer! :)

  9. +JMJ+

    I've always loved YA, but what I started reading a lot more of thanks to blogging was Romance.

  10. Man, #7 is one of my biggest issues. I always have such a book hangover that I have to immediately start a new book to curb it, and then I don't get to my review for awhile. I've started scheduling reviews on a calendar I share with April so that it holds me accountable. It's working pretty well so far. Only one time I didn't get one up, but April had one ready to go and saved the day. :) Oh, and I just followed you on Tumblr. :)

  11. Before I started to blog, I ONLY read adult books. I had never heard of YA books and at first I had no idea what it meant. I did read some cross-overs (like Marillier, her books are sometimes pitched 'adult books for YA') I'm so happy I got to meet the YA books, because it's now almost all I read :) I don't count myself as John Green fan; I'm just a 'The fault in our stars lover'. His other work doesn't really appeal to me for some reason.

  12. Your ability to remember where you are in a book impresses me. A lot. I have a close relationship with my bookmark.

    I didn't know about your feelings toward John Green! I knew you hadn't read all his books, but I didn't know the details, and now I'm hoping that you pick up his other books soon and enjoy them more!
