
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Winter TBR

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
I always loved winter, but now I have a whole new appreciation for it since going into college. Winter now = winter break = no school = EVERYTHING IS GREAT! Homemade food, no annoying floormates, no evil professors, no homework, my own room, Christmas movies...and of course, more time to read (hopefully). It's a beautiful time.

All Fall Down by Ally Carter
Release: January 27 from Scholastic


I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios
Release: February 3 from Henry Holt & Co

I had mixed feelings about her previous book, Something Real, but I do know that I enjoyed her writing style. I want this.

One of the Guys by Lisa Aldin
Release: February 10 from Spencer Hill Press

Super cute romance plot alert!

Release: February 10 from Balzer + Bray/HarperTeen

This sounds like it will be really sad, but strangely enjoyable.

Release: December 9 from HarperTeen

I've heard positive things about this and since I just finished her other book, Ask Again Later, I know I'll love this. At least I hope so.

Invaded by Melissa Landers
Release: February 3 from Disney-Hyperion

*pumps fist* Landers surprised me with how much I loved Alienated, the first book, but I really shouldn't have been since Disney-Hyperion is the greatest.

I Was Here by Gayle Forman
Release: January 27 from Viking Juvenile

Forman is an artist at emotional books. I'm ready.

Soulprint by Megan Miranda
Release: February 3 from Bloomsbury

I actually have this one waiting for me in my dorm room! The lovely Bloomsbury ladies sent me this and I'm excited to start it soon.

The Cure for Dreaming by Cat Winters
Released: October 14 (2014) from Amulet Books

I can't express how intrigued I am with this.

Released: May 13 (2014) from Feiwel and Friends

Cuteness alert. Level: 10. 

What are you wanting to read this winter?


  1. I LOVED I'll Meet You There and I'm desperate to read I Was Here and All Fall Down. ENJOY these.

  2. These all look great to me. Black Holes and I Was Here are two I can't wait to read. Happy winter reading :)

  3. ALL FALL DOWN! I thought you would have that book on your TTT! And one of the Guys looks darling! I hope you love Broken Hearts, Fences, and other Things to Mend, I thought it was very good and fun! It's one of my favorite books this year! :)

  4. Looks like you'll have plenty to keep you busy over winter break. Great list! :)

  5. This is a great set of books to look forward to Summer! I also have copies of I'll Meet You There and I Was Here and would have totally added them to my list, if I hadn't gone over already. But I have a feeling that we will end up enjoying these! I hope you're able to tackle a lot of these books over your break!

  6. So many books that made my list, too, or that I just want to read this winter! Let me know how The Cure for Dreaming is, okay?
    Here's my TTT:


    I'm also looking forward to My Heart and Other Black Holes because YA books that incorporate science into their premises always sound so clever. But mostly I'm looking forward to THE NEW ALLY CARTER.

  8. Top Ten Clues You're Clueless is super cute! I really enjoyed it, particularly because the main character likes making lists in her head the same way I do ;)

  9. Such fantastic choices! I didn't love Top Ten Clues as much as Ask Again Later, but it's still super cute. I'll Meet You There is AMAZING, one of my favorites this year. Really looking forward to One of the Guys, Invaded, and I Was Here, too. Happy reading, love!
