I originally thought to space out blogger interviews more, but I really enjoy doing these so I let my impatience get the better of me. Today,
The Reader's Den girls, Jasprit and Rachel, are here! Their blog was one of the first ones that I read and really enjoyed (one of the first I subscribed to as well). These ladies are some of the nicest bloggers and they're great at commenting. Since I always looked up to them, I'm giddy with pleasure that I've gotten to interview them!
Jasprit! Rachel! *waves* Please introduce yourself and your blog.
Hello, we’re Jasprit and Rachel and we can be found on the blog The Readers Den!
The really interesting thing to me is when people co-blog (although it is common in the community). Why did you decide to be co-bloggers? How did you meet?
J: Rachel and I met on Goodreads, we had quite a few friends in common, and we were always popping up on each other’s feeds that our friendship was inevitable. I think it was Rachel’s review of Catching Jordan that made me realise that Rachel had brilliant taste in books. Before you knew it, Rachel was contributing more and more gorgeous reads to my already out of control tbr pile and we had started pining over our fictional crushes through our read-alongs (Rachel has finally agreed that Alex is mine). And then a year or so after we met, I started my own blog, and because we already chatted nearly every day on Goodreads, I figured it would be fun to have Rachel on the blog too contributing with her awesome reviews. I think we had originally decided that Rachel would be a guest reviewer on the blog, but we ended up having so much fun, that we quickly became co-bloggers. Rachel is one of the sweetest people that I couldn’t have asked for a better co-blogger.
R: Ditto on all of Jasprit’s comments above. I couldn’t ask for a better co-blogger or an easier person to work with. I work full-time and the commitment of running a blog on my own would consume my life. This is why it’s so very nice to have a partner with comparable tastes and a similar vision as far as the blog goes.
Yay for Goodreads!
What genres do you love reading and/or reviewing the most?
J: I’m a contemporary girl at heart, nothing makes my day more than coming back home from a tiring day at work and curling up with a contemporary book which could take me anywhere such as a fun road trip across the US. I love the feeling that I can be completely lost in a gorgeous world, with a sweet romance and huge smile left on my face afterwards.
R: I find myself gravitating towards adult mystery/suspense/romance novels lately. They are my original love in reading, and the plots are usually exciting enough to keep you anxiously flipping through the pages to find out what happens next.
I definitely agree with both! Feeling lost in a book is a great moment to have.
Top three favorite authors?
J: This is a tough one I have so many favourites, but three which immediately come to mind are: Sarah Alderson, Jenny Han, and Miranda Kenneally.
R: Karen Marie Moning, Tarryn Fisher, and Melina Marchetta. These are the three that immediately come to mind, yet there are SO MANY MORE!!
I need to go to my library ASAP because I shamefully admit that I've only read one book total out of all those authors...
Describe your dream bookish event.
J: My dream bookish event would take place in the US of course; it has always been my dream to visit there one day. All my favourite blogging friends would be there too (Sunny you’d totally be there!). We would have a fantastic day/week with amazing bookish adventures. It would be a bit like BEA, but just with my favourite authors and blogging friends that I’ve been dying to meet!
(And RIP Cory Monteith) |
R: Jasprit’s sounds lovely and like a dream. I’m currently at the ALA in Chicago and I have to say that it rocks!! I do love an event that includes authors with a wicked sense of humor! I’m lucky enough to live in Southern California, and we have no shortage of authors coming on through! Did I say how lucky I am?
I forgot that you're from the UK, Jasprit, it would be amazing if you came here! I would also love that dream of bookish adventures with bookish people and a dream-like BEA. Rachel, you are incredibly lucky and I am so jealous. Note: This post is being published late so ALA is done now, but still exciting that she was at one point there :)
If you could be like one character in a book (that includes the setting he/she is in!), without the worry of dying though, who would you like to be?
J: Tris from the Divergent series by Veronica Roth. She is such a strong and fearless character and of course because she gets to spend all her time with Four! <3
R: Mac from the Fever series! She lives in a dark, fantastical world with powers that make her special AND she has JERICHO BARRONS!!! What more incentive would you want before running?!
What is one book that you have recently read and loved?
J: Parallel by Lauren Miller, this book thoroughly messed with my head, but I just loved it so much, I think it’s one of my definite favourites of 2013!
R: Never Seduce a Scot by Maya Banks. It’s a historical adult romance that was just amazing! I listened to the audio version and the narrator was PERFECTION!
I am very excited now because I'm going to be reading Parallel soon AND I've been wanting audiobook suggestions!
Anything else you ladies would like to add?
J: Thank you for having us on your lovely blog Sunny!
R: Yes, thank you Sunny for having us on your blog! I enjoy reading your insightful reviews!
So sweet. Thank you both!
This or That:
Chocolate or vanilla?
J: Chocolate
R: Chocolate!
Ebook or paperback?
J: Both, I can’t go anywhere without my Kindle, but if I end up loving a book so much, I usually have to have a gorgeous paperback copy on my bookshelf too.
R: Both as well. I love my e-books because I can highlight passages and view other’s notes, and in terms of space, you can’t beat an e-copy! But there is something to say about a physical copy! You can hold it, smell it, and pet it!
Star Wars or Star Trek?
J: I haven’t watched either, but if I did I would probably prefer Star Wars I think..
R: Star Wars!
Brunette or blonde? (of the boy variety)
J: Blonde
R: Brunette
Winter or Summer?
J: Summer.
R: Summer.
Wow, you guys have similar tastes even outside of books!
Once again, I'd like to thank Jasprit and Rachel for taking time out to answer questions. I love reading their posts and reviews and they're definitely considered "big bloggers" to me. Now that you know them (or just know them more), stop by their blog to say hello!
Blog: http://thereadersden.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JasKaur11 and https://twitter.com/rachelanbig
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4841793-jasprit and http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5481477-rachel