
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Are You an Elf or a Grinch?

When I go to bed, I tend to think about hard life questions. What will the world be like in five years? Will books become extinct? But during this time of year, I wondered, am I an Elf or a Grinch?

I love Christmas, but I think I actually relate to the Grinch throughout the whole year more and my Elf tendencies come out during November to December. To help your decision, here are a few personality tendencies for both types in certain situations.

You're an Elf...if you seek people out

You're a Grinch...if you like to keep your deliciousness to yourself.

You're an Elf...if you like to sing.

 You're a Grinch...if you don't.

You're an Elf...if you like to be happy.

You're a Grinch...if you can't handle feels like the ones in The Hunger Games

You're an Elf...if you like personal contact

You're a Grinch...if you have to seriously consider being around people after being alone for a long time.

You're an Elf...if you just can't contain your love.

You're a Grinch...if you have fun making a mental hate list and going over it when you're forced to be in certain public places.

You're an Elf...if you have tendencies to schedule like a extrovert.

You're a Grinch...if your schedule is more subdued.

You're an Elf...if sugar is as necessary as breathing.

You're a Grinch...if you're like me in the eating department

You're an Elf...if you feel bad after you do something.

You're a Grinch...if eye-rolling is a better response.

Are you an Elf or a Grinch?

Merry Christmas Eve and have a great Christmas tomorrow! 


  1. Haha love the gifs.... I'm definitely a Grinch. Except for the whole keeping my deliciousness to myself. No I like to share that with the world :) And I LOVE giving presents. I'd 100% love to give presents even if I never get any. This time of year I always wish I was rich because I have so many ideas of things I would buy for the people I love.

    Merry Christmas!!

    1. I was laughing at all the Grinch gifs because I feel like that's me on a continual basis. I'm with you on giving gifts! I don't give usually because I have no money, but if I had lots of money, I'd have a blast giving people tons of things.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You're a Grinch...if you like to keep your deliciousness to yourself.
    I'm afraid I have more in common with a Grinch than with an Elf. It's just that one feels like one's forced to be happy, merry and good around these days...and "force" is a big-no-no verb for me.
    But I love to sing. Only, not Christmas songs LOL.
    Have a great Christmas!

    1. Hey, I agree with you, Roberta. I don't do well with being forced either! You too!

  4. Based on your post I'm about half Grinch and half Elf! :) Actually about a week before Christmas I start to turn into a Grinch because of how insane people start to act before Christmas, then on Christmas Eve I turn back into an Elf! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

  5. It sounds like the Grinch has more introvert tendencies like I do. Though I love watching Elf! Merry wishes to you, Sunny!

  6. Haha this is such a cute post! I think I'm like you and tend to be a Grinch most of the year. Hitting about November though, my Buddy the Elf side kicks in. But then about a week before Christmas and everyone is complaining and acting pissy and stressed, I revert to my nature Grinch-like tendencies. I just can't handle all the unnecessary stress!

    1. Yes, I agree, Christine! The stress and the people around, it brings down the mood.

  7. This is a great post LOL I think I am a bit of a Grinch on the outside but an Elf on the inside! LOL

  8. Ahaha, those GIFs! I think I'm more of a Grinch as well, especially when it comes to my occasional reluctance to seek out socialization. I do have some elfish tendencies, though, because I like to sing and be happy—obviously. It's good to have some balance, because people who are 100% Grinch always bring you down and people who are 100% elf can make you feel bad for not acting as cheerful, not to mention come off as a bit overbearing. But I have to say it would be nice to have Buddy's outlook on life sometimes.

    1. Very true. I was looking at the Elf gifs and thought that he reminded me of those annoyingly perky people, but then I realized that you really do need to have some of him in your life because they make it happy and fun.

  9. Huh. Well I think I am a Grinch for most of the year. lol But give my November and December and I turn right into an Elf because I LOVE the holiday season!

  10. I'm mostly a Grinch, haha. Though not as sad. Even during holiday time I'm not very Elf-like, but that's just the way I am I guess. Even though I love holidays!

    1. I'm with you. I think I have become more of a grinch each year, but not AS cynical. I love the holidays, but this year, it didn't FEEL like Christmas.

  11. I looked at this as if it was a quiz. All my answers were Grinch answers, except the two I couldn't answer, and one Elf answer. So I guess I am a grinch! I HATE Christmas music. I've worked in retail HELL.

    1. What were the two? Ugh, yeah, retail seems to suck, but even more so during the holidays.

  12. I'm mostly grinch...okay, if I'm being perfectly honest, probably all grinch. :) At least this just didn't feel like Christmas, and every day leading up to it made me even grumpier. Probably didn't help that I was sick for a lot of it, too. Boo. But I'll try to be better. :) Such a cute post.

    1. THANK YOU. I thought I was the only one. It just didn't FEEL like Christmas and I was even grouchier when it led up to it because I wanted to feel festive and Christmas-y. Aw, I hope you're feeling better now!
