
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Finish line: #ReadingCram

Today marks the last day of my first read-a-thon! What an experience. I never fully got the point of a read-a-thon before except that it made you rush, but now I understand that it also provides a goal (I'm a goal-oriented person) and a community (I love communities) making it even more fun to read. Also, it's pretty nice to say how many books you read at the end of it all. In case you forgot what I aimed to read during the two week period, here is the link

What I ended up reading: 
Total pages: 2,804

Favorite book: All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
Runner-ups: Graceling by Kristin Cashore and Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen

What next: 
There's no more #ReadingCram, but I still want to read as many books as possible before school starts back up. I plan on finishing Throne of Glass and then working on Edelweiss galleys (i.e. Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anna Blankman, Maybe One Day by Melissa Kantor, basically all the Harper titles). Problem? I need to finish my library books (i.e. Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis and I'll Be There by Holly Goldberg Sloan), and reread Girl of Fire and Thorns (since I don't remember any of it and need to get to Hector). Maybe I should start a poll someday. Until then, comment below what you think I should read next! 

What have you been reading? What should I read next?

And happy belated birthday to one of the best blogger friends out there, Emily!


  1. Yay, you! I'm glad you liked All Our Yesterdays because that gives me hope I'll enjoy it, too. I also hope you like Maybe One Day more than I did.

    1. It was FANTASTIC. I can't even. Oh, you didn't like it?

    2. Yeah, I wasn't really a fan. It didn't make me cry, it was a bit slow in places, and the cheerleaders annoyed me to no end.

    3. Aw, man. Well, I hope I like it better. Although, annoying characters are the worse. I just wanna run away from them and you can't!

  2. I loved Prisoner of Night and Fog, so I vote for that! Congrats on reading so many books as well! Dark Triumph is a fave of mine, and I'm hoping to read Code Name Verity sometime next year. :)

    1. It looks really good, especially since I'm a history and WWII buff! I hope you do. I think if you loved PoNaF, you'll love CNV!

  3. You did so awesome with the #ReadingCram! It's too bad that you DNF'ed See Jane Run, since I have to read that for a blog tour, but I think I'll finally have to start Graceling sometime soon. I'm also trying to get has much reading as I can accomplish done over break. I'd pick Prisoner of Night and Fog, since that sounds awesome! :)

    1. Thanks, Montana! Yeah, after Heartbeat, I said that I shouldn't waste my time with books that were lower than a meh. I skimmed and it was..whatever, you know?

  4. Good job! I do horrible with challenges of any kind. I'm a rebel lol

    1. Thanks! Ha, I can go either way. Usually I do really well with goals, but sometimes if I say I'll do something, I end up not doing it at all.

  5. Wow Sunny you did an amazing job on your read-a-thon. I kind of stuck to my goals the first week, but things kind of went crazy in the second week. I'm so glad to see that you ended up loving All Our Yesterdays, I can't wait to read your review! Also I'm definitely voting for you to read Maybe One Day Next! :)

    1. Thanks, Jasprit! Oh, I completely understand the 2nd week slump. Eee, thank you!

  6. You rocked this read-a-thon. Congrats, Sunny! I'm with you and sometimes need a goal to get motivated. It definitely worked for you! Now you need a review-a-thon :)

    All Our Yesterdays was your fave? Ooh I have that on my shelf and need to make that a priority in the new year!
    Of your remaining books, I've only read Girl of Fire and Thorns - that is an awesome series.

    Happy holidays, Sunny!

    1. Thanks, Lucy! Hey, that's a great idea, review-a-thon. I feel like I'm being suffocated with all of them!

      OH MY YES IT WAS. That book deserves all caps. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who hasn't read it yet!

  7. Dang, you got a TON read :) Awesome job, I hope to see some reviews of those coming! I just bought Girl of Fire and Thorns and know nothing about it so can't really help you there but I think Prisoner of Night and Fog should be your next read :D

    1. I was determined :) I heard it's a great series, especially when a guy named Hector comes on the scene (usually it's followed by bloggers going, "Heeeeecttooooorrr!"). Thanks! I just started it per to all the suggestions and am enjoying it so far.

  8. I have all our yesterdays! So glad to hear you loved it!

  9. Wow, you got a lot of reading done—I can see how a goal-oriented nature would boost your speed. Many of the books you list are ones I want to read or have read, so I'm hoping to hear more about your thoughts on them.
