
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Rewind & Review: January 13 - January 26

Hosted by Shae Has Left the Room
Two weeks already? Well, it's been a great two weeks for me so I hope it has been for you as well. My mailman is finally doing an acceptable job again and I think I unnerve my UPS man by already greeting him at the driveway (and sadly, most of the time, the packages aren't for me). Mostly, I've been getting into e-books more thanks to Edelweiss and NetGalley and thankfully, really enjoying them. I hope this reading streak will continue.

Books I Was Given:

Books for Review:

Obviously, I got into a contemporary and e-galley kick.

Number of Books I've Completed: 6

Books I'm Reading:

Previous Blog Posts:
  • Proud moment: Winning my basketball game on the 24th, 49-24! 
  • Celebrated my dad's birthday yesterday. He's the best example of what a man should be.
  • Met a super nice senior publicist last Saturday at an author event. She gave me her card and offered to answer questions as well as information for internships. A phone call (oh help me, I sound awful on the phone) is to take place this coming week! 
  • For the past MONTH, I've been off of desserts, sweets, and overly sugared things (like Cinnamon Toast Crunch), which is huge for a sweet-a-holic like myself. My goal was to my dad's birthday. Now considering to start up again until the end of basketball or just limit myself to once a week. 
  • Hi, new followers *waves*

Upcoming Blog Posts:* 
  • Top Ten Tuesday - Worst Worlds/Characters
  • Followers: The Shameful Truth
  • Review: Alienated by Melissa Landers
  • The Blogging Age discussion
  • Connecting with Characters discussion
  • Review: Bright Before Sunrise by Tiffany Schmidt 
*Subject to change

Reward yourself with a great book, we've reached the end of January. Happy reading!

To buy any of the books mentioned in this post, click this button: 
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  1. Happy birthday to your dad!

    And how have you managed to avoid desserts and the like? I would go mad if I tried that.

    1. Thanks!

      It was really hard. Actually, it became harder. I started the day I got the stomach bug which made me not want to eat anything for a while. I've resisted temptation since then (and totally made up for it yesterday)

  2. I'm looking forward to reading "Followers: The Shameful Truth" (???!!!) and "The Blogging Age discussion". So curious!
    And I want to read This Song Will Save Your Life. *sighs*
    And I had to smile at you mailman comment. I used to be like that with snail mail once!

    1. Thanks, Roberta! It's always a bit nervous to me to post a discussion, I don't know why.

      I'm not the only one late to it? Well, I really liked it! Go check your library (if I had my copy still, I'd give it to you:)

    2. You're so sweet! I can't go check my library, since I'm in Italy and the book is in English...well, of course there are book in English in our libraries, but not just every book. Also, I have a strong feeling that this one is a keeper. I will buy it eventually.

  3. I love This Song Will Save Your Life! It's such a great book. I've been on a contemporary kick this month, too :) I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    1. IT IS! I was so nervous about my expectations, but it pretty much lived up to them.

  4. The Last Best Kiss, Alienated, and Say What You Will are all books that look amazing! And congratulations again on both winning your basketball game and meeting that publicist! And Happy belated Birthday to your Dad! :)

    A month? Without sweet things? I...I don't know were able to do that... I doubt I'd ever be able to... You have way more self control than I do with those kind of things! :)

    I'm looking forward to your posts this week! Have fun reading all the amazing looking books you got! And have a good week! :)

    1. Thank you for all of this!

      Ha! These past couple of weeks I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it. But I'm so goal-orientated and especially if I do it FOR something. I told myself it was for basketball :)

      Thanks, Jessica!

  5. I hear Just One Day is supposed to be a great read, and This Song Will Save Your Life has so many positive reviews it's crazy! I am addicted to sweets, too. Especially chocolate. Enjoy your new reads!

    1. I have read JOD before and it is. I was a bit spoiled for the Just One Year so I'm kinda eh on reading it, but I have been wanting to read the sequel.

  6. Oh my gosh! The same 3 books you were given this week are the same ones I burrowed from Heather! I featured them on my Stacking the Shelves post earlier today! Can't wait to compare notes once we finish reading them. :)

    I'm really curious about your thoughts on Say What You Will and Bright Before Sunrise! Hope you enjoy all of your review copies though.

    So, I've been M.I.A. this past week, but I'll slowly be making my way through all the posts I missed. Looks like you also have some other great stuff coming up. Can't wait to see it all! :)

    Marlene @ The Flyleaf Review

    1. That's crazy! I've read JOD (which I'll tell you when I comment on your StS;) but not JOY. I hope you like the first one so we can read the sequel together! And TSWSYL is really good!

      Both of those were wins for me!

      I've been MIA a lot too so no worries. I either have to catch up on commenting thanks to only reading it via email or catch up on posts altogether. Life gets in the way!

  7. What a great haul, Summer!! :D I hope you enjoy This Song Will Save Your Life!! I've not got round to reading it yet; HORRORS. But everywhere there are 5 star reviews for it, so it must be THAT good! :) And congratulations on winning your basketball tournament! That's so awesome :) Happy Belated Birthday to your Dad too!!
    Thanks for sharing, Summer! :D

    1. I did! I gave it about 4 stars. Didn't CHANGE MY LIFE, but it hooked me. Thank you!

  8. What a great couple of weeks you've had. Congrats on the basketball game! And I'm sure you'll sound just fine on the phone call. :)

    All of those books look really good. I've been on a mostly contemporary kick lately too.

  9. I should have given up sugar for the month of January. *sigh* Oh, well...never too late to start, right? :P And I'm loving all of those contemps! I seriously cannot wait to get to Say What You Will. I was excited before, but then you loved it and now I don't know how long I can wait before my grabby hands get the best of me. Oh, happy bday to your dad, and CONGRATS on winning your bball game! Happy reading! :D

    1. Nope! I'm going to do it again (or restrict myself to once a week) AFTER the superbowl ;) I wanted to do it for all of February, but I won't torture myself on that holy day. I saw you finally got it and that makes me SO HAPPY.

  10. Congratulations on the game! I love contemporary novels. What are some of your favorites?

    1. Thank you! Oh, man. Well, the ones I just read and listed are really good. I loved Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway, any Meg Cabot, any Ally Carter, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, Just One Day by Gayle Forman, and Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill are just a FEW of my favorites :)

  11. Congratulations on all your recent achievements! As I said before, meeting the publicist is amazing, and I cannot wait to hear more about it. And it's also great that you've been on a sugar ban - I've been meaning to do that too, although I'm already very good at using moderation when it comes to unhealthy food. I'm excited to read all of your upcoming posts. :)

    1. Thanks, Emily! I'll definitely include it in my email (*cries* I hate time-sucking school). I'll be honest, when I'm not on the ban, I have a horrible time with moderation. I actually think it's easier to go cold turkey if I'm working towards a purpose (like I told myself to do it for January for the start of basketball games) than trying to balance it out.

  12. Congratulations on winning your basketball game! I've never been really athletic, so meeting people (well, sort of meeting them) online is always fun for me. Also, giving up sweets would be VERY hard for me! I'm considering doing it for Lent this year (last year, I gave up coffee and nearly DIED), so I'll keep you posted.

    And awesome new books you've got! I can't wait to find out what you think of them, especially Alienated, which I am really excited about.
