
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday Rewind: Posts That Reflect Me

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This week, the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish gave us a chance to pick a previous Top Ten topic that we want to either do again or do one we weren't able to participate in originally. As this post title says, I decided to pick a topic I hadn't done before: posts that I think best gives you an insight to me.

1. Hello, My Name Is... I think this is a pretty obvious one considering this was the post that broke down the last privacy barrier between me and all of you. I revealed my full name and it felt freeing, actually.

2. This vs That Book Preferences. Again, this should be fairly obvious since I compare common book preferences and then say which ones I prefer. Of course, I add other preferences in as well.

3. 10 Steps of Fangirling. I fangirl. A lot. Can there be such a thing as a lot a lot? Because I feel that  fangirl is one of my most used words in my vocabulary. So I shared the steps of fangirling with you all and hopefully made another fangirl come to be in this world.

4. Review: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. You had to have known that this was coming after #3. Because I fangirl, I instantly loved the book that epitomizes fangirling, but includes other fantastic elements as well. My favorite quotes, some great gifs, and squealing were definitely involved when creating this review.

5. Stop! In the Name of Love...Please. The post in which I call out my most hated tropes in YA fiction. If you want to know what to avoid writing about so that I'll like your book, this post will definitely help.

6. Review: Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge. I think reviews tell the most about a person, but this one does in particular for me because not only did I have a GREAT reading experience, but I also had a blast writing the review. This book was full of the things I loved: retelling, mythology, swoons, Disney, mystery, flawed characters, love, and twists.

7. Any Top Ten Tuesday. What I love about Top Ten Tuesdays is that you can see a condensed version of everyone's opinions on a certain topic. Favorite characters, settings you want to see, blogging things you love, books you swoon over, favorite authors...all topics that reveal more about the reader within each blogger. Pick a Top Ten Tuesday in my blog history and you just revealed another part of me.

8. The Song of the Lioness audiobook series by Tamora Pierce. I listened to this series over the summer as I sold my soul to my mind-numbing job and I really think it saved me from drastic measures. Since it's been around a long time and each book was spectatcular, I talked about it as a series in whole and non-spoiler alert: I loved it. How could I not? It includes gender-bending, which I adore.

9. The Blogging Age. This is probably my most proudest post since I think it elicited a lot of comments and really got people thinking. After having trouble with BEA, I realized that my age may be a disadvantage in the blogging community, which is ironic since I'm a teen blogging about teens.

10. Gallagher Girl Appreciation: Love, Quotes, and GIFS. If  you've read any positive Top Ten Tuesday post, my review of United We Spy, or any other snippet of me fangirling, then it's very possible that it shows my extreme love for this series. It's still contemporary, but I read this before blogging, in the age of Sarah Dessen-type books. I loved all things about spies, but I never found a book about them and this was kind of a big deal. That one random pick-up at a library actually started a fandom for me.

For every post I listed, I thought of this.
What posts reflect you the most? Which topic did you choose for Top Ten Tuesday?


  1. I am now on my way to checking out all of these posts! The fangirling one I think I will enjoy very much! Great list :)

    Our TTT

  2. Yep, I think these definitely show off the real you, Summer. :) And I ADORE you. TTT slipped my mind this week, but I love seeing what everyone else decided to do for their post. Yours is by far the most unique. :D

    1. *blushes* I adore you as well, Jen! Thanks *keeps on blushing*

  3. All of these posts are ones that I think represent you very well, Summer! About the TTT posts, I agree that you get a really good idea of the person behind the blog when you read them! They are quick ways to know more about everyone! And fun fact: I think the Gallagher Girls post above was one of the first posts of yours I read! I was happy to find a blog that loved the GG books just as much as I did! :)

    1. Oh, it's so fun to hear which ones are the first ones that people read!

  4. Because of book 6 we would be best friends in real life! Disney & retellings are my two favorite things in the world! I also really liked that you shared your real name :)

  5. Ooh, cool topic! I think the best thing about this list is when I look at these post titles I think "I remember that! That's definitely Summer." :)

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

    1. And that's one of the best things for me to hear :)

  6. lol - this gifs you included are perfect. I don't always like when they're used in reviews and other posts, but I do when you use them. They're always so fitting and make me laugh.

  7. Great pick! I am pretty anonymous on the blog and I don't know if and when I should really change that. I love TTT because it lets you know so much about a blogger - their preferences on so many different topics and I love that. Nice list :) My TTT.

  8. I love this topic because we kind of only get to know bloggers through their blog and each post has a personal touch, definitely some more than others. I've read most of the posts you listed and definitely agree that it seems like they represent you and what you love :)

  9. Ha this is a wonderful top ten list Summer, I didn't even read that post where you revealed you real name as I was on a blogging break! But I will be over in a while! Also fangirling? I think we so need a club for this, and I agree Fangirl was one of the best books that I've read in a long time! And *high five* for using a Chris Hemsworth gif! :)

  10. FANGIRLING, MY LOVELY SUMMER, IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD:) And nope, never too much! Heh. Cannot wait to read Fangirl. My hardcover has been sitting unread on my shelf for far too long ;) I really ought to start Ally Carter's book as well. They sound so good and I'm glad you enjoy them:)

    1. Oh, Siiri, I love you and I think I say that every time you comment.
