
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Rewind & Review: April 21 - May 4

Hosted by Shae Has Left the Room
With the blur of graduation, sickness, and vacation, I honestly can't remember too much that's happened  before this past week. I do have to say that I'm so not looking forward to real life settling in again. However, I have new books to keep me happy.

Books I Received:

Books I Bought: 

Books I Read: 3

What I'm Reading Now/Next: 

Previous Blog Posts:
Upcoming Blog Posts:*
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Covers I'd Frame as Art
  • Where You Are
  • Review: Chapel Wars by Lindsey Leavitt
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Almost Put Down...But Didn't
  • Waiting on Wednesday #6
  • Review: We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
*Subject to change

Bookish (and not-so-bookish) Happenings:
  • I visited my grandparents and they're incredibly cute. When warning my grandpa not to fall, my grandma said, "Honey, you fell once when you fell in love with me and that was enough." 
  • PRINCESS DIARIES IS GOING TO HAVE A SPINOFF. I repeat, my fangirling wishes have come true. 
  • I talked to Sara Raasch (author of Snow Like Ashes) and not only is she incredibly nice, a fan of gifs, and funny, but she also said that she's excited to hear how I like the book EITHER WAY. Unless she's a good liar, she was sincere in saying she wanted to hear the good or the bad. 
  • I was reminded that unless they're close friends, 99.9% of the time, I'd rather hangout with adults than peers. Teenagers *makes face*
  • BEA tweets are now more popular *cries*
  • I had embarrassing mishaps such as almost getting into a stranger's car and arriving at a shady beach rental, 30 min away from where I was supposed to be.
  • I graduated.
How was your last two weeks?


  1. Congratulations on graduating!!! Now you only have a couple more years of school to get through. :) I can't believe you'll be going off to college like an adult who knows what she's doing with her life, and I'll still be stuck here in high school for a little while longer. I hope you get better soon, though - being sick is no way to celebrate the completion of your high school career. And how did those embarrassing mishaps happen? I'm both laughing and cringing on your behalf.

    1. Thanks! Ugh, yes. I can't believe I signed myself up for a couple more years of school ;) HAHA ADULT WHO KNOWS HER LIFE HA. I'll definitely have to include those in my next overdue email.

  2. *cheers* Congrats on graduating! And I totally get how you feel about other teenagers. My tolerance rate for other people (adults included, actually) has dropped this year, especially when it comes to teenagers at my co-op and church.

    And yay for Snow Like Ashes and Sara Raasch!

  3. Congratulations on graduating Summer! And despite you not being able to read much, it sounds like you had an eventful couple of weeks! And look at all those pretties you got, I keep hearing amazing things about Matson's latest book, but I haven't bought a copy yet! And what did you say about Princess Diaries? We have been wanting this for ages!! Hooray!!!

    1. Thanks, Jasprit! I say we have a PD party!

  4. SO many gorgeous books, Summer! And yay for graduating! You and I must be on the same wavelength because I'm totally itching to read the books you just bought and reading now/next. I've heard good things about Since You've Been Gone and Going Over especially.
    Have a great week!

    1. Ha, that's great! We can have a read along ;)

  5. What a cute comment from your grandmother! And congrats on graduating!

  6. First, congratulations on graduating!!!!!!! :)

    And Snow Like Ashes, are you liking/did you like it? Been wondering about that book, it looks interesting! :) And Summer State of Mind!!!!!!!! I'm hoping to get it in the next week or two, looking forward to reading what you think of it! :)

    1. Thanks, Jessica! I'm liking it so far. Not WOWing me, but it's definitely not bad. I thought of you when I bought Summer State of Mind!

  7. Ahhh! Congrats on graduating, Summer! So proud of you!!! But what's this about getting into a stranger's car? What did I miss?!? Anyway, great new reads...I'm very excited for Snow Like Ashes and Since You've Been Gone. Happy reading!
