
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Rewind & Review: June 15 - June 29

Hosted by Shae Has Left the Room
These past two weeks have been...un-summery, or non-summery, whichever one. Shouldn't summertime be fun? I'd like to consider ME, this Summer, to be fun. But I find myself looking forward to the start of school, not only because I'm moving, but also because I seem to get more things done in the fall/spring. Summertime makes me agitated. School orientation, work, worrying, work, sleeping, work, and more BLAH. Thankfully, we have nice publishers in the world.

Books I Received: 

Books I've Read: 2?

What I'm Reading Now/Next: 

Upcoming Blog Posts:*
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Classics
  • Review: The Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne
  • Then and Now: What Do You Want to Be? 
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Blogging Confessions
  • Thank you, Morgan Matson
  • Review: On the Fence by Kasie West
*Subject to change

Bookish (and not-so-bookish) Happenings: 
  • I had orientation for my university and I realized I'm a school dork. The best part of it all was registering for classes! 
  • I loved my book mail. Publishers rock. 
  • I put so many amazing books on hold at the library for my vacation next week. Open Road Summer, Wild Magic, A Mad Wicked, Folly...just to name a few! 
  • I RAN A 5K! I've done an unofficial one in my neighborhood before, but this time, I did the Neon Vibe 5k with one of my childhood best friends. Tutus and neon colors, ya'll. 
Then we celebrated with food.
How's your summer been?


  1. I hope your summer gets more fun! Even though summer is my favorite season, it's feels like every year it's very busy now. *sigh* At least you now have amazing books to read! Wild Magic! Yay! :)

    Even just the thought of running a 5K makes me feel tired and seems amazingly hard to me, that's awesome that you ran one! I'm impressed! And love the neon tutus. :)

    1. *sighs with you*

      Thanks! I thought it was impossible, but did WAY better than I thought I would!

  2. Okay, I saw a few people going gaga over Landline but didn't look into it. Until now. Wow that sounds good! Hope you like it. And high five for the 5k. Hope your summer gets funner (it's a word!)!

    1. It was! I was expecting great things because it's Rowell, but even I was impressed by how into it I was. I totally agree. Funner is definitely a thing.

  3. Congratulations on running the 5k Summer! I know what you mean by the Summer, you do tend to have loads of time to read all these books, but sometimes you kind of need that structure already in your life. It sounds like you're currently reading some great books, I can't wait to see how you get on with them!

    1. Thanks, Jasprit! Absolutely. I NEED structure. It's kinda a problem, really.

  4. Work...I feel your pain. It just never ends. Congrats on the official 5k and the books! It looks like you have a lot of fun reading ahead of you!

  5. I do better with order and organization, too, so don't feel bad. Congrats on the 5k, too...I did one last year with my sister, and it just about killed me. Made me realize I really need to get back in shape, lol. Lots of good reads, but I say just dive into Heir of Fire. Or re-read the series first like I did, lol. I just don't think there's going to be a particularly RIGHT moment to start that one. Ya know? :)

    1. I know, I definitely know. It's just so INTIMIDATING. I will, though. I'll just need lots of food (well, like always, duh) by me to help me through the process. ;)

  6. I hope your vacation helps you get back in a happier mood! Don't feel bad about liking structure and organization - I feel the same way and have to make to-do lists and stay busy during the summer. At least you had orientation to get you excited about the upcoming year! And congratulations on running a 5K! I like running, but I've never done one myself - I should probably fix that.
