
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Cover Trends

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
There's this friend of the family who shouts "I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!" at our church play rehearsals quite frequently. So I'm going to channel her and yell, "I LOVE COVERS!!!!" because I really, really do. I wish a section of the bookstore would be devoted to pretty covers and that cover artists can take note of others' works without copying or overdoing it so they realize that hey, that awful trend should die so the actual great one can be produced more. This week, the topic is cover trends we like and dislike. In no particular order: 

The covers I like usually involve...
Maps. Road trip! Road trip!

Dance. What can I say? The covers and plots entice me.

Pretty dresses. But this trend is tricky because it all depends.

Illustrations. Cuteness overload.

Pretty Blues. I feel the opposite of blue when I see blue.

Fairytales. There's more, but props to Macmillan.

Titles. They're just preeeetty.

However, I'm not a fan of other covers...

Affectionate/kissy couple. Just stop. 

Helpless girls. *grumbles*
Okay, I know there are more out there (I remember some in previous weeks at Cover Snark), but I had work. Work = no time.


What trends do you like/dislike? 


  1. Ugh, kissing couples and faces are so overdone. And I'm not a huge fan of pretty dresses unless they play some importance to the story. I wasn't a fan of The Selection, but dresses were a big part of the story, so it fits. We liked the maps and illustrated covers, too! :D Great minds!

    1. I only like dresses if they REALLY catch my eye. Like, oh my gosh, stop the drool. Of course, great minds ;)

  2. I really don't like the kissing couple covers either. Some are good, but most are just repeats of everything we have already seen. And I definitely agree with you about the dresses. It's such a tricky thing to try and pull off. But I do feel like a lot of the "Girls in Dress" covers in 2014 are being done right! :)

    Here is my TTT:

    Justin’s Book Blog

    1. I don't know who DOES like kissy covers, so they really need to stop!

  3. I agree with all of the cover trends you like! Esp. pretty dresses, illustrations (Love these!), and blues! Though, I have to admit that I like faces on covers when done right, like when they actually look like what the character does in the book. Love the list, Summer! :)

    1. I have to admit, I DO like Splintered, which is a face, so I think some circumstances are great. It all depends, you know?

  4. Great list! I totally agree with you on pretty much all of these! I love maps (but forgot to mention them), dresses and pretty illustrations and titles. Faces are okay sometimes, but I feel like they take away from the readers imagination at times too. I hate kissy couples - they are just so wrong and annoying.
    My TTT

    1. I'd prefer a full body shot than a face sometimes, but kissing...ugh.

  5. I agree - love pretty title typography, pretty dresses, and illustrations, dislike faces and kissing/almost kissing couples. Hopefully we'll see those last two trends less and less, they seem pretty unpopular in general.

  6. Covers with maps, illustrations/art (my favorites!), dresses and fairytales (favorite too) are the best :D I really like the simplistic design from The Lunar chronicles, but how effective they are in showing the fairytale.Say what you will is pretty too <3


    1. So many have dual aspects that I like, which make them even better!

  7. I agree with your dislikes for sure... there are a very few exceptions to kissy faces anda faces in general but they are very, very few. And pretty dresses can definitely be some of of the best covers, if they truly stand out!

  8. I really should have made a list for this Top Ten Tuesday topic! But if I had, it would have been pretty similar to yours, given that I agree with every one of your points. I especially like creative and pretty font treatments and am in love with handwriting-style titles. I don't understand why they keep making kissing covers - no one seems to like them! Well, obviously some people do, but no one I have ever met. I guess they attract the romance-hungry crowd, and I guess that produces enough sales. :P

  9. Omg Summer its like you went into my head and picked out all my favourite and not favourite covers! I have to agree with you I would definitely be one of those readers that would be screaming I love covers, they are just so hard to resist when they're so darn pretty! I love the covers to Let's Get Lost and No Place to Fall and The Winner's Curse. I've not seen Not Exactly a Love Story or Sway around before, but they're so pretty! What the heck is happening in the Chaos cover? It's absolutely ridiculous! Thanks for sharing a great post with us Summer! I wish I had taken part too.

  10. I think I'm about ready to see the "pretty dress" trend phase out; there were so many for a while there, I think I overloaded on them. But I usually like fully illustrated covers. :) Agreed: no kissing couples, and faces can be a little creepy if they're staring right at you. Great list!

  11. Agree 100% with this list! Just stop it with the faces, the helpless girls, and the kissing! (The exception for me is the cover of Plus One. THAT one is just spectacular. But other than that, I haven't seen a kissy cover that I've liked.) My favorite covers will always be illustrated ones. Hello, Anna Dressed In Blood! I LOVE your cover! The covers of The Lunar Chronicles are also favorites of mine! Macmillan did something magical there! Great list, Summer!

    You've also given me two titles to look into: Sway & Not Exactly A Love Story! Both have creative and beautiful covers. I hope the stories are just as wonderful on the inside, as they seem to be on the outside! :)

    Marlene @ The Flyleaf Review
