
Sunday, September 1, 2013

August Rewind and Review

Hosted by Shae Has Left the Room
Fall is officially here! I'm thrilled to be out of summer. I don't necessarily like the start of school, but when August comes, I start feeling a bit more orderly, sane, and secure. It's a wonderful feeling. Along with that, I also got some books, which is even better.

My Posts
Stuff I Was Given

Stuff I Bought

A Few of My Favorite Blog Life Moments
  • The geeky moment where I excitedly fixed a post's code...thing. So it's not totally geeky since I don't really know what to call it, but I figured it out all by myself. 
  • I started rereading The Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter to prepare for United We Spy's release. I'm full of nostalgia, happiness, and when I get closer to the end: sadness. 
  • Reading relaxing things such as Cover Snark or reviews such as Gillian's latest one
  • My dad showed me a really great read on typography. Worth it. Here's the link
However, today is September 1st. Meaning, it's my little sister's 14th birthday! 

Aren't we cute? Well, she is at least (on the right). 
Did you have a good August?

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to check out that typography link (I've been really into noticing typography this year), you and your sister are totes adorbs (after I finished watching The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, I've gotten into a really bad habit of using that catchphrase, but I really mean it!), it's so cool that you got the new Sarah Dessen cover for Along for the Ride for $1, I like the blue bike (the new cover for What Happened to Goodbye? is one of my favorites too)! :)

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland
