
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Rewind & Review: December 16th - 29th, 2013

Image taken from Shae Has Left the Room
Rewind & Review is a weekly book blog hop hosted by Shae Has Left the Room where we review the previous week, but I'll only be participating every two weeks.

In the past two weeks, I've gotten more books than usual because of Christmas! So this haul will be fairly exciting.

Books for Review: 

Books as Gifts: 

Books That I Won:
  • Ashes to Ashes by Melissa Walker (Thanks to the lovely Epic Reads ladies)

Books I'm Reading: 
  • Attachments by Rainbow Rowell
  • Maybe One Day by Melissa Kantor
  • I'll Be There by Holly Goldberg Sloan
Yes, I'm starting to multi-read, but it's kinda controlled.

Previous Blog Posts:

Bookish Happenings:
  • I gave a lengthy list of book suggestions 5 pages long to a friend and another blogger that didn't even include contemporary reads. Giving book suggestions makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
  • I finished my first read-a-thon
  • A really nice blogger commented on my first ever blog post, which is not only cool and sweet, but cringe-worthy because that writing is so old.
  • I'm thinking about some exciting bloggish things in 2014!
  • Rachel from one of my favorite blogs, The Reader's Den, is super sweet and sending me ARCs just because. I feel loved. 

Upcoming Blog Posts: 
  • Top Ten Tuesdays
  • Review: United We Spy by Ally Carter
  • 2013 End of Year Book Survey 
  • Mini reviews

So these past two weeks seem to have slowed down in the blogosphere with the holidays. I've read a lot of great books lately and hopefully will tackle all my reviews soon. Hope you had a great Christmas!

To buy any of the books mentioned in this post, click this button: 
Buy This Book from Book Depository, Free Delivery World Wide

And to follow my reviews or connect with me click this button or subscribe by email by clicking the widget on the righthand side of the screen. 
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  1. Can't wait to read your United We Spy review! How are you liking Maybe One Day so far?

    Also, belated Merry Christmas and congrats on all the books. :)

    1. I thought it started out strong and now it's waning on me. It's *shrugs*

      Thanks, Emma, you too!

    2. Yeah, that was part of the problem for me. I've got my review all scheduled for the end of January. We can compare notes then. :)

  2. Wow you got a nice book haul for Christmas! I really need to read All our Yesterdays, can;t believe its taking me so long to get to that one! Hope you had a great Christmas and have an amazing New Year.

  3. I totally approve of multi-reading. :) I imagine it must be sweet yet awkward to have someone comment on your first post after over a year of developing your blogging talent, but yours is far from cringe-worthy! And I cannot wait to read your review of United We Spy.

    Happy late Christmas and I hope you enjoy owning all the books you received!

    1. I never thought I'd connect as well, but it's much easier especially when you're a mood reader like myself! Thanks, Emily. Any old writing just makes me squirm, haha! Gosh, I gotta make sure it's even better now!


  4. I'm really looking forward to reading your review of United We Spy! And I'm also looking forward to read your End of Year Survey! :) Did it get easier for you to finish it? I remember you said you were having trouble with it. Glad your Christmas went great! Have fun reading all the books you got! :)

    1. Kinda! I feel like I repeated my answers too much, but the problem is that most of the books I remember reading in the beginning of the year (the ones I wrote a review on) weren't deserving of any title.

  5. You received so many good books for Christmas! I don't think I received any books, but I did get gift cards :) All the books you're reading now look great, and Attachments is a favorite. I definitely multi-read these days. Happy almost new year!

    1. Ooh, well, gift cards are very fun because then you can pick exactly what you want and walk out...and it's just a great feeling.

  6. I am so curious to hear your thoughts on prisoner of night and fog!

  7. Ooh, I've got Maybe One Day too, and people has been talking around about how sad this book is (And that made me really curious, since no books makes me cry since If I Stay). How are yo liking it so far? :)

    And, eppp! That Prisoner of Night and Fog looks really beautiful! the title is soo freakingly pretty too 0.0

    Hope you enjoy them all, and Happy Early New Year!

    Neysa @ [B.O.O.K.L.I.F.E]

    1. It started out strong, but now is turning into a meh for me, unfortunately.

      I KNOW *drools*

      Thank you!

  8. Alanna, All Our Yesterdays and Girl of Fire and Thorns are all great reads! I still need to finish the Song of the Lioness series one day. Hope you enjoy it! And I can't wait to see what you think of Prisoner of Night and Fog. That will probably be a January read for me, and I'm really looking forward to it. Hope you had a great Christmas, Sunny! It's been amazing visiting your blog over the last few months. Here's to a great new year! :)

    1. You haven't finished it?! What books have you not read in the series? I absolutely loved the series! Aw, thanks, Sam. :)

  9. Bookish gifts are the BEST! I didn't get any books this year, but I did get an Amazon gift card, and we all know what I will be spending that on. :D And thanks for reminding me that I have Attachments on my shelf. I need to read that one soon!! :) Happy New a Year!

  10. I cannot wait to read Prisoner of Night and Fog. Seriously. I hope I love it because I think I will be devastated if I do not. That is SUPER nice of Rachel to send you ARCs! I love when bloggers do things for each other. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

    1. Well, I liked it a lot so I hope you do too! Me too, that's exactly what it made me feel and I probably said "aw" way too much.

  11. Ah, that is a great idea, going back to someone's very first post. I wish mine were half as good as yours was! :) I love that your sister and friends got you the Alanna series after you loved the audio so much! Also, if you haven't read All Our Yesterdays or The Girl of Fire and Thorns, put those at the top of your list...two of my FAVES! :D Hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday and here's to a beautiful new year!

    1. It was actually my sister, future sis-in-law, and brother, which I think makes it a bit better :) I HAVE! Ah, AOY was friggin amazing. I need to reread TGoFaT asap because I don't remember it and I haven't read the sequels, which I NEED to. Thanks, Jen!

  12. Yay! All Our Yesterdays is FREAKING AMAZING. And both of your titles for review look good. :) Hopefully you'll love all of the books that you got! :D

  13. Omigoodness Girl of Fire & Thorns is soooooo good! I read the whole series this year -- I hope you like it too!

    1. P.S. Your first ever post is amazing -- be proud!!!!

    2. I've read it before a LONG time ago, but I need to reread so hopefully I'll still love it. Thanks, Melissa :)

  14. I didn't get any books for Christmas :-( But really that's ok - I have a lot of catching up to do lol

  15. Ooh, I'm curious to hear what you have to say about Attachments and Prisoner of the Night and Fog, they both sound really good! :)

    Happy reading!

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

    1. PotNaF was REALLY good. Attachments...I'm having a struggle.
