Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Series That I'd Like to Start But Haven't...Yet.

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This week on Top Ten Tuesday, we get to list series that we would like to start, but haven't. Yet. Oh goodness, time to tackle the TBR pile.

1. Matched by Ally Condie

I have heard such great things about this series. Whether it be an overall series someone loves or the romance, it does not matter. I seem to see this everywhere. I WILL be getting to this soon. 

2. Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa

Another series, I have seen everywhere. When I had my giveaway a couple months ago, I had asked people what their favorite YA book was. This series kept cropping up. 

3. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

HOW CAN THIS BE, you ask. I was never allowed to read this because of the witchcraft. I do not have a burning desire to start it now either, but I am interested to see how I like it. With the movies, books, and everything else the fans adore about it, I feel a bit out of the book blogger loop. 

4. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

I have watched the movies tons of times, have even read the first two books. But I STILL have not read the rest in this series and keep meaning to. Someday. 

5. Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

I never really heard of this series until Boundless came out and then it was all "AH THIS IS SO GOOD" from all the bloggers. I vow to read this very soon. 

6. Chemical Garden by Lauren Destefano

To be honest, for the longest time, I never knew what this series was even about. But if I heard Wither, Fever, or Sever, I knew what series they were talking about because I have seen the covers and heard the titles numerous times. 

7. The Queen's Thief by Megan Whalen Turner

Like Anne of Green Gables, I have read at least ONE book in this series. I read The Thief out of bribery from my sister Shelver. She keeps clamoring about the romance in the second book and I know I really should read the rest of the series. I'm just a horrible procrastinator. 

8. Across the Universe by Beth Revis

This series sounds fantastic. I heard a few mixed reviews on the first two, but I heard the last one is amazing.

9. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

I actually thought I had read this for the longest time, but I realized that I, in fact, have not. The covers kind of throw me off, but that really is no excuse.

10. The Mara Dyer trilogy by Michelle Hodkin
Not pictured: The Retribution of Mara Dyer
Ever since the first one came out, I have been antsy to read this series. With the second one, everyone went all gaga on it. I am determined to start this series before the third one comes out. I have until October. Should be easy...right? 


Well, there's my list. You can see how badly I procrastinate, but I promise I shall get better. 

What series have you not read yet, but want to? 



    I've read the first IRON FEY book and am currently on the library waitlist for the next one. I just picked up the final book of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE and I think I'm going to start it today! That series is awesome.

    I also really enjoyed UNEARTHLY and DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE!

    I did enjoy HARRY POTTER, but it's definitely not one of my favorite series.

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  2. Mara Dyer and Iron Fey made my list too. I wonder what we're missing? And I implore you, READ HARRY POTTER. There's a reason it's as famous as it is. Anyway, new follower:) Come visit me too!
    My TTT

  3. I had all these other things to say about your (awesome) list, then I saw Harry Potter and was reminded anew that you haven't read this and jumped straight down here to say READ THIS. WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING WITH YOUR LIFE THAT YOU HAVEN'T READ THIS? (Said with the utmost love and respect, naturally). I too want to read the Iron Fey series. I've read MATCHED, and had mixed feelings, but intend to finish the series. Anne of Green Gables is a MUST, and all the other series are on my TBR lists as well!

  4. PLEASE read Harry Potter. PLEASE.

    Honestly, it's totally worth the read. JKR is the best storyteller I have EVER read. Every detail is important and impeccable and her ability to craft her characters and make them real is second to none.

    1. All these Harry Potter commenters make me smile :)

      I will!

  5. the Iron Fey series is simply amazing, as are most books by Julie Kagawa. Mara Dyer is definitely a must-read. I love Michelle Hodkins series. Great list!
    Em @ A Beautiful Madness
    My Top Ten

  6. Hi,
    I have read the 1st Matched and loved it. I still need to start HP, Iron Fey, Mara Dyer, Unearthly and my chemical garden.

  7. Oh my gosh, you haven't read UNEARTHLY or Anne yet?! Gahhhhh. DO IT. Do it now.

    The Midnight Garden

  8. Given your reasoning for not reading Harry Potter I can kind of respect that. There are a few on your list that I need to get to also. I read the first book in the Chemical Garden books and kind of loved it, so I don't know why I haven't read the last two (sitting on my shelf).

  9. Okay, I've read at least one book in all of your series, except The Queen's Thief, which I plan to start SOON. I hope you love all of the ones you're anticipating!

    (Also, with Shelver as your sister, I'm completely shocked...SHOCKED!!!...that you haven't read TQF yet! :P)

    My Top Ten

    1. Thanks, I hope so too!

      Not without her trying, that's for sure :)

  10. YOU HAVEN'T READ THE ANNE BOOKS?! How do we even still live in the same house?! Ugh.

  11. Across the Universe made my list and I read one Anne of Green Gables... :)

    not reading the HP series is not a crime, mind you. I recommend you read 1,2,3 and then 6,7 :D Books 4 & 5 were not that good.

    Here's my My TTT

  12. I've read the first two books in Across the Universe and all of Matched and thought they were okay; hopefully you'll love them! Thanks for sharing and stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  13. Please read Harry Potter and at least part of Anne of Green Gables. I say part of, because both when I was younger and when I did a reread this past year, I stalled out a few books into AoGG. :-p

  14. lol - uh, yeah, I'm with you on 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, and 10. I read Across the Universe, but need to read the 2nd one. I wish I could read super fast. :D

    1. I sometimes can but sometimes I just have no time and then it feels like it takes forever to get through a book with so much stuff around me!

  15. Oh my goodness you are behind! But catching up will be fun :). I have read almost every single one of these and they are amazing!

